These yard signs from Missourians Against Human Cloning are starting to go up around Missouri. Here are a few examples from around my hometown of Jefferson City. This one, put up by Alpha and Omega Christian Bookstore, sits next to Missouri Boulevard – probably the busiest road in town.
I found this sign in front of an apartment complex just off of West Main – from this angle you can see, in the background, a yard sign for Claire McCaskill, who is in favor of the amendment. I found that kind of ironic since she claims to stand up for “women’s rights” and Amendment 2 would create a huge demand for women’s eggs, and contribute to the exploitation of poor women.
And this is the sign in front of my parent’s house in Holts Summit. We haven’t gotten a Jim Talent yard sign yet, but we’ll get it up there. Jim is very much opposed to the amendment, by the way. If you haven’t gotten a yard sign yet, be sure to call your parish/parish pro-life coordinator. I am sure you can also call MAHC and ask them how you can get your hands on one. I have heard that they really hope to see a bunch of them go up this weekend, so get on the phone and find out how you can participate!