Little Ditty About Jack and Irene…

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

…these two American kids will be born in the heartland – TONIGHT!!


I got a phone call from my friend Meredith, who is pregnant with twins, Jack (L) and Irene (R), who said that she will deliver via c-section today. She’s only 35 weeks pregnant, but after today’s doctor appointment they decided it was too risky to wait until the scheduled c-section on the 17th as she was already showing signs of preeclampsia and Jack is still breech. She may even have to be put out completely for the procedure 🙁 Pray that isn’t the case and that all goes well for mom and babies! They should be at a relatively healthy weight. As of last week, Meredith reported that Jack was at 5.13 lbs. and Irene was 5.7 lbs.

By the way, after years of infertility (and failed “fertility treatments”), Meredith and her husband achieved this pregnancy through NFP and NaProTECHNOLOGY. They have been working with our local Creighton Model Fertility Care clinic along with a very pro-life doctor in St. Louis. Read her testimony at NFP Works!!

Check out Meredith’s website

Spice Up Your Sex Life…Invite God!

ChelseaChastity, Love, Marriage, Sex, Sexuality, Vocation2 Comments

Here’s is something you’ll never read in Cosmo or Men’s Health. I found this hot passage while reading Christopher West’s book The Good News About Sex and Marriage:

If you really want “good sex,” start by inviting God – who is love – to be with you. (Don’t worry; God won’t blush. He created sex.) Keep the lights on. Consciously renew your wedding vows with the language of your bodies. Mean what you say, and say what you mean.

Take the risk of surrendering your whole self unconditionally to your spouse. Receive your spouse unconditionally. as you do, look deeply and steadily into each other’s eyes and thank God for the joy you know in being made in his image as you explode in the ecstasy of the true communion of persons.

Sexual intercourse is not meant to be merely an exchange of bodily fluids – it is a communion of persons. As West points out, the most fulfilling sex possible comes only when husband and wife delve into the mystery of the other person (mind, body and soul) and, in naked honesty, surrender themselves to one another, and receive one another, unconditionally. Far from being a mere act of physical gratification, sex is meant to be an experience between husband and wife that leads them into the inner life of the Trinity where they participate in the very life and love of God.

AH! How healthy the world would be if this great truth was embraced and lived out every marriage!

Read more about the hidden mystery of God’s glorious gift of sex and marriage:

Good News About Sex and Marriage
What is the Theology of the Body & Why is it Changing so Many Lives?
God, Sex, & Babies: What the Church Really Teaches about Responsible Parenthood
Other Christopher West articles

Reflecting Society’s Cultural Divisions

Chelsea2008 Election, Abortion, Disabled, Embryo Screening, Politics2 Comments

Reuters reported today that Sarah Palin’s 17 year old daughter Bristol is five months pregnant (btw, this means that baby Trig is not her secret child), will keep her child and plans to marry the father. Said the Palins:

“We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us. Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support.”

Contrast this loving acceptance of unexpected life to Barack Obama’s statements earlier this year:

I’ve got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.

along with Sarah and Todd Palin enthusiastically embracing the life of their fifth child despite a positive prenatal diagnosis for Down syndrome to Jill Stanek’s description of Obama being “unmoved” when she testified about her experience cradling a newborn child with Down syndrome until he died after he survived an abortion. Wesley Smith is right:

I think McCain/Palin versus Obama/Biden vividly reflects the cultural divisions that are tearing our society apart more starkly than any election in my memory.

A little humor, from ScrappleFace: Obama Begs Palin: Don’t Punish Bristol with a Baby

Among conservatives, I don’t see this hurting McCain at all – esp. not since Dick Cheney’s lesbian daughter didn’t make an impact on their vote in 2000. In fact, as Evangelical leader Dr. Richard Land put it, “this is the pro-life choice.” And as such, it may be more of a plus than a minus, again, among conservatives.

At any rate, God bless Bristol Palin for choosing life under these less than ideal circumstances and I pray that her coming marriage will be a strong one and last a lifetime. I’m also praying that the rest of the Palin children will make better choices when it comes to pre-marital sexual activity.

Are You Ready for Some Football?!

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In honor of the beginning of my very favorite time of the year see my posts from early this year about last season’s Heisman Trophy winner Superman Tim Tebow whose mother was advised to abort him after she contacted amoebic dysentery and fell into a coma when she was pregnant with young Timmy:

How ‘Bout that Gator?
More on the Super Sophomore and His Super Mom

    Go Gators!!!

Check out these baby Gators! I found some old pics of me and my two younger sisters all decked out in our Gator gear.
Chelsea and CarlyChelsea, Carly and Caitlin

For a good laugh check out Hitler as #1 GA Fan and #1 FSU Fan (language warning). Naturally I found them both hysterical.

Soldier: “Sir, there is a problem in Florida, there is this Beast they call…..Tebow.”…

Hitler: “Quiet fools, I have summoned Chuck Norris, nothing can stand in his way.”

Soldier: “Sir, Chuck Norris tried to tackle him, but was killed instantly by the collision.”

Palin: “My Baby Will Not be Neglected”

ChelseaPro Life2 Comments

For many Sarah Palin’s family situation only adds to her appeal, especially among pro-lifers, as John McCain’s VP running mate. Not only is she the mother of five (a relatively large number by today’s standards), nullbut Palin and her husband Todd chose life for their 5th child, son Trig, after he was prenatally diagnosed with Down syndrome. This is significant considering that roughly 90% of unborn children diagnosed with Sown syndrome are aborted in the U.S. today.

But for those who have some concerns about how she’ll juggle the pressures of such a demanding position and her duties as a mother to a child with special needs (an objection I’ve heard more than once) this is from a May article on Palin a month after Trig’s birth:

Three days after giving birth, Palin returned to work in her Anchorage office, accompanied by Trig and her husband.

This was not a mother’s typical visit to the office to show off the new baby; instead, she was serving notice that a child of special needs would not hinder her professional commitments.

“It’s a sign of the times to be able to do this,” she said. “I can think of so many male candidates who watched families grow while they were in office.

“There is no reason to believe a woman can’t do it with a growing family. My baby will not be at all or in any sense neglected.”

Somehow I don’t think she would have accepted McCain’s nomination if she thought it would seriously inhibit her ability to mother her children. She also seems to have a very supportive husband who will help with the parenting duties as I’m sure he already does. Besides, Palin has that kind of no nonsense that suggests she would have no problem telling the powers that be when she needs a break or to make adjustments in her schedule to better suit her number one job of wife and mother.

Could it Really be a Woman???

Chelsea2008 Election, ReligionLeave a Comment

nullThe announcement is just hours away but word is already out that both of the VP names heralded by the media for the last few months – Romney and Pawlenty – are definitely out. Pawlenty won’t even be at the rally in OH. Right now speculation is hot for Palin, which I think would be incredible. Other names still in the mix – former CEO Meg Whitman and Tom Ridge. I think it’s a safe bet right now that we’ll really be surprised. Let’s just hope it’s a good surprise.

This announcement doesn’t really change the fact that, as far as the presidential candidates themselves are concerned, this election does still “consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable.” But it is important to look at who, if one or the other wins, has the best chance at becoming that Party’s nominee once their out. For Republicans, if that person is someone like Sarah Palin I think we could be in good shape.

Garnet Spy’s case for Palin (h/t Michelle Malkin)

Augustine, Pelosi and Abortion

Chelsea2008 Election, Abortion, Religion, videoLeave a Comment

St. AugustineHow appropriate that today’s feast of St. Augustine came during the same week Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi used the Church Father’s words to justify her position in favor of abortion:

“After she was elected to Congress, and the choice issue became more public as she would have to vote on it, she studied the matter more closely. Her views on when life begins were informed by the views of Saint Augustine, who said: ‘…the law does not provide that the act [abortion] pertains to homicide, for there cannot yet be said to be a live soul in a body that lacks sensation…’ (Saint Augustine, On Exodus 21.22)

Fr. Z explains what St. Augustine really says about abortion and when fetuses are ensouled or vivified. Find out what the other Church Fathers had to say about abortion.

Archbishop Chaput, the first to respond to Pelosi’s comments on Meet the Press, talks to Neil Cavuto about Pelosi’s abortion conflict (h/t Catholic Fire):

AmP lists all of the American Bishops who have corrected Pelosi’s misrepresentation of the Church. It is good to see so many of our Bishops taking after Augustine and all of our Church Fathers in educating the faithful and denouncing heresy. Pray that Pelosi herself will listen to the truth and take it to heart.

If you’re really interested in reading more on what’s been said on this over the last week see Fr. Z’s round-up and AmP’s timeline.

My Path to Holiness posts featuring St. Augustine:
All My Hope Lies in Your Great Mercy
Feast of St. Martha

St. Monica, Model Wife and Mother

ChelseaFamily, Marriage, Religion, Vocation, WomenLeave a Comment

nullToday we celebrated the feast of the mother of one of the Church’s most celebrated saints. St. Monica, mother of St. Augustine (whose feast day is tomorrow), prayed unceasingly for the conversion of her famous son, and, as we all know, was happily obliged by Our Lord. Not only that, but her husband, Patricius, a pagan with a terrible temper, converted to Christianity and was baptized a year before his death thanks to her prayers as well. She is a wonderful example for married couples and parents who are called to care above all for the spiritual well being of their spouse and children. I believe that it was not only her prayers, but also her example as a pious Christian woman that also won over her husband and son. This passage from 1 Peter makes me think of St. Monica and the example that all married women should give:

Likewise, you wives be submissive to your husbands, so that some, though they do not obey the word, may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives, when they see your reverent and chaste behavior. Let not yours be the outward adorning with braiding of hair, decoration of gold, and wearing of robes, but let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable jewel of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.
1 Peter 3:1-5

She is also an example to all of us of our call to persevere in prayer. The conversion of St. Augustine did not happen overnight. It was a long, turbulent journey (20 years or more) during which the reluctant saint fell in and out of serious sin and his mother deeper and deeper into a conversation with Christ on behalf of her son, storming the gates of heaven with her constant tears and prayer. In the end this great mother witnessed the baptism of one of our greatest saints and spent the last days of her life reflecting with him and longing for the joys of heaven:

“Son, as far as I am concerned, nothing in this life now gives me any pleasure. I do not know why I am still here, since I have no further hopes in this world. I did have one reason for wanting to live a little longer: to see you become a Catholic Christian before I died. God has lavished his gifts on me in that respect, for I know that you have renounced earthly happiness to be his servant. So what am I doing here?”
from St. Augustine’s Confessions

Her final request was that her son, who became a priest and bishop, remember her “at the altar of the Lord wherever you may be.”

Hutchison is Wrong VP Chick Pick *UPDATED

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

nullI must admit that after Hillary failed to clinch the nomination this year I am intrigued by the thought of McCain picking a woman as his VP. With the pick promised to be just days away new names of possible VP nominees are bound to surface. One name that has recently come up is TX Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. Hopefully there’s not much merit to this speculation. Though Hutchison has voted in favor of many abortion restrictions over the years, she is opposed to outlawing abortion and thinks that Roe v. Wade was “appropriate and secures an important constitutional right” according to her vote on the Harkin Amendment to the Partial Birth Abortion Ban – which she did also vote for. Along with that, she eagerly favors expanded federal funding for ESC research, signing the same letter to President Bush that McCain did in 2004, voting for the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Acts and, calling on the State of Texas to broaden their stem cell research policy. Though she did vote to ban human cloning in 1998, one pro-life source, Joe Pojman of the Texas Alliance for Life, told Life News in 2004 that Hutchison now opposes a comprehensive ban on human cloning and wants to allow the cloning and killing of human embryos for scientific research.

As far as VP chicks go, McCain can do much better than Hutchison:


*Word is that McCain will notify his VP pick today (8/28) and most reports are still saying it’s either Romney or Pawlenty. I’m not a Romney fan – he bores me to tears and his pro-life switch always seemed a little too convenient for me. I’ve been trying to find some information on Pawlenty. Apparently early in his career he told one paper, “I think we could move beyond the fundamental [abortion] question and start talking about other aspects of family planning,” [Eagan This Week, Nov. 8 1992], and said to another that the abortion issue “isn’t a big deal” to him [St. Paul Pioneer Press, Oct. 7, 1992]. As an elected official he has signed the Unborn Child Pain Prevention Act, vetoed a measure to use State funds to conduct ESC research and appointed a pro-life advocate as head of the MN Supreme Ct.

Oh, and McCain insiders are saying that Lieberman is still a possibility. Read: Avoiding a Lieberman Disaster, from Robert Novak

Be “Fruit”ful and Multiply

ChelseaMarriage, SexLeave a Comment

An interesting take on Gen. 1:28:

Visit the Fruitful Sex website