Dad Returns Baby’s Body to Abortion Clinic

ChelseaAbortion, Pro Life, Right to LifeLeave a Comment

Here is a story similar to the one I posted earlier about baby Rowan. This story is about a man who brought his dead child into an abortion clinic after an induced labor abortion, I guess because he couldn’t think of anywhere else to bring it. One of the sidewalk councelors out that day called various law enforcement offices trying to get an investigation to no avail. One Lt. told her, “Abortion is legal and we are not going to investigate, period.” Nevermind the fact that at least two laws may have been broken: The first was a Florida state prohibition on late-term abortions outside of hospitals, and the second was the federal Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which requires medical assistance for any child born alive, even if that happens during an abortion procedure, which in this case apparently involved the woman taking drugs to induce labor. But the cops didn’t want to have any part of it.

This is how poisoned our society has become. We won’t even investigate the death of an infant who was likely born alive and lived 5, 10, 15 minutes before taking her last breath all because her parents simply did not want her. “[w]e need to develop a culture of life, and a conscience that respects the dignity of these unborn children. We’re callous to the fact that abortions exist. We put our head in the sand to the barbaric actions (within abortion businesses).”

Proof of the Existence of a Higher Power

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I just find this kind of thing amazing. It really is awesome to learn about the complex make-up of the human person (even of animals), and how the body works to regenerate and repair itself. It is unthinkable that something as complex and structured as the human body could have come about purely by chance.

This story from Reuters shows just that: Human brain can regrow cells, study shows

WASHINGTON – New evidence shows that the human brain can manufacture fresh brain cells, researchers said on Thursday in a study that may lead to better ways to treat brain damage and disease.

Scientists had known that other animals, such as rats and mice, make new brain cells throughout their lives, and there had been indirect evidence that humans being can too.

Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans and electron microscope images of tissue donated from the brains of people who died, Maurice Curtis of the University of Auckland in New Zealand and Peter Eriksson of Sahlgrenska Academy in Goteborg, Sweden, and colleagues found the elusive cells.

Just as in mice and rats, these cells are born in one part of the brain and then migrate to the olfactory bulb, where smells are processed. They mature into neurons on the way.

In animals, they said, brain damage prompts the birth of new cells. “Our study provides the foundation for this possibility in the adult human brain,” they wrote in their report, published in the journal Science.

Humans have far more developed brains, so searching for these cells has been harder than it was in rodents.

In mice and rats it has been clear these cells are born in the forebrain and then migrate to the smell center. There, they can help the animals learn and adapt to new smells.

Smell is less important for humans, but it is still important for sensing dangers from smoke, for instance, or rotten food.

And studies show that the loss of smell may be an early sign of brain-destroying illnesses such as Parkinson’s, the researchers said — a hint that these cells may be important.

“This study is exciting, because it reveals a group of brain cells in the adult human brain that are continuously regenerating,” said Dr. Mark Baxter of Britain’s Oxford University.

“Animal studies have pointed to the existence of such groups of cells, but it has been difficult to determine whether they exist in the human brain as well,” Baxter, who was not involved in the research, said in a statement.

“This opens another direction by which we may discover ways to repair human brains that are damaged from injury or diseases, and underscores the importance of animal research in guiding biomedical research in humans,” Baxter said.

Another expert, Sebastian Brandner, head of the Division of Neuropathology at the Institute of Neurology at University College London, agreed.

“These findings are important for several reasons: Understanding stem cell biology is essential to study brain repair in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and it is even possible that stem cells are the source of some brain tumors,” Brandner said in a statement.

The Life of the Embryo is the Issue

ChelseaEmbryonic Stem Cell Research, Pro Life, Right to LifeLeave a Comment

Princeton professor Robert P. Geore recently spoke at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and accurately pointed out that the issue of embryonic stem cell research is not whether or not it will ever lead to treatments, but should deal with the life of the embryos used for research:

“The reason we should be opposed is a moral reason. [Embryonic stem cell research] involves, at least for now, the destruction of innocent human life to obtain the cells…The two fundametal questions surrounding embryonic stem cell research concern the definition of a human being and the respect owed to embryos, he said…Embryos are worthy of moral respect because they have the capacity for “characteristically human mental functions,” he said…If embryos may be destroyed for scientific research, then it follows that scientists should be able to destroy infants as well because infants also lack the ability to exercise their capacity for mental functions”

True Love

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sacred-heart.jpgAs the world celebrates romance and love today I thought I would say a few words about true love. “So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1Corinth 13:13). So what is love? Or more accurately who is love? St. John answers this question telling us that, “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. In this is love perfected within us” (1 Jn. 4:16-17) In his encyclical, God is Love, Pope Benedict says that this is where our definition of love must begin. We love because God, who is love, first loved us. That is why he created us. But his love did not end with our creation. After the fall of man, God not only freed his chosen people from the bondage of slavery in Egypt, but he freed all of mankind from the slavery of sin by sending his only Son to be our redeemer (John 3:16) and calling us to the heavenly Marriage Feast which is “union with God through sharing in Jesus’ self-gift, sharing in his body and blood.” The best way to grow in love for another person is to grow in love for God.

A Valentine’s Day suggestion for couples (now that it is almost over): spend time in prayer together.

Advice from St. John Chrysostom: young husbands should say to their wives: “I have taken you in my arms, and I love you, and I prefer you to my life itself. For the present life is nothing, and my most ardent dream is to spend it with you in such a way that we may be assured of not being separated in the life reserved for us… I place your love above all things, and nothing would be more bitter or painful to me than to be of a different mind than you.” (CCC 2365)

Can I Live?

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While I’m posting video, check out the video for Nick Cannon’s “Can I Live,” a song he wrote about his mother’s decision to give him life after initially contemplating an abortion. It is very well done.

Abortion Hurts Men

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This is a beautiful song by a group called Flipsyde about the lead singer’s remorse over ending his child’s life by abortion. I don’t listen to any sort of rap or hip/hop music so I found out about this on LifeSite News.

Apparently Kenny Rogers also wrote a song about a man regretting an abortion called “Water and Bridges.” I couldn’t find a video for it, but you can check out the song lyrics.

Conception involves two parties (three when you consider God’s hand), but the men, the fathers, very often get left behind in the abortion debate. The pro-choice movement seems to focus only on the woman and no one else. So many times I have heard that the father should have absolutely no input when a woman is deciding whether or not to keep a child. Meanwhile there would be no child in question, were it not for him.

Abortion is just as harmful to men as it is to women. At the National Prayer Breakfast in 1994 Mother Teresa said, “by abortion, the father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. That father is likely to put other women into the same trouble.” Pro-choicers don’t like to admit it, but so many abortions happen precisely because of the father’s input. It is quite common to hear women who have had abortions say that they did so because their boyfriend wanted it, or because he threatened to leave if she didn’t get one. On the flip side, many men desperately want to be fathers to their children, but are prevented when a woman goes ahead with the abortion against his wishes. Worse yet is when a man does not even find out about his child until after the abortion.

Read more:
Men and abortion
Resources for men

Testimonies, Letters and Speeches, Oh My!

ChelseaCloning, Personal, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

As I am working on my testimony for a possible Senate hearing about the joint resolution to ban cloning here in MO, I thought I would post my previous letters and testimonies on this subject, in case you’re interested. I will also put them on an information page to your right.

SB 160 a ban on human cloning in Missouri:
MO Senate Testimony
Letter to Senators
First letter to Gov. Blunt
Second letter to Gov. Blunt
I also had a meeting with Gov. Blunt that went absolutely nowhere.

HB 2355 to ban human cloning in Kansas:
KS House Testimony

Amendment 2:
Letter to the editor
Article for my Catholic newspaper
Speech at an anti-cloning prayer rally

I hope to have more as the joint resolution to ban cloning moves its way through the Missouri legislature. Please keep us in your prayers. If you are in MO, start contacting your legislators voicing your support for this resolution.

The resolution is filed under SJR 20 and HJR11.

The Good News Just Keeps on Comin’

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, MiscellaneousLeave a Comment

Science Daily — Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center scientists have found a set of “master switches” that keep adult blood-forming stem cells in their primitive state. Unlocking the switches’ code may one day enable scientists to grow new blood cells for transplant into patients with cancer and other bone marrow disorders.

Abortion Has Progressed to Infanticide

ChelseaAbortion, Pro Life, Right to Life2 Comments

Jill Stanek, who is one of the most prominent pro-life leaders today, tells the story of “Baby Rowan” on her blog, Pro-Life Pulse. Baby Rowan was scheduled to be aborted on April 2, 2005 by a procedure known as “induced-labor” or “live birth” abortion. Please excuse me, but I have never heard of this before. I have been involved in the pro-life movement for as long as I can remember, thinking I was fully aware of the horrors of abortion – partial birth abortion, etc… – but I am feeling pretty naive right now. From an article by Jill:

The live-birth abortion procedure is much more common than even I know, and I’ve heard a lot by now. In fact, I was shocked last week when a traveling labor-and-delivery nurse told me she had never worked at a hospital that didn’t commit this form of abortion. The pervasiveness of this undiscussed abortion procedure in hospitals and mills around the country must be incredible.

The procedure is performed by inserting medication into the birth canal which irritates the cervix and makes it open early after which the second or third trimester pre-term baby is delivered. Sometimes these children are alive for over an hour or two before they finally die. When this happens the babies are given “comfort care” or simply left on a table to expire. This procedure is done at abortion clinics and hospitals all over the country, many of which label themselves and “Christian” and even “Catholic,” on perfectly healthy infant children.

I am utterly sickened by the thought of this happening within my own country. If this is allowed to continue in America, the terrorists won’t have to kill us. We will destroy ourselves.

Back to Baby Rowan. The clinic performed the live-birth abortion and Rowan was delivered in a toilet. After seeing the child move his arms his mother immediately regretted what she had done and asked the clinic workers to help her save the baby. The workers, however, refused advising the woman to let her child die in the toilet. Using her cell phone she asked a friend of hers to call for emergency help. The 911 call has been posted on YouTube:

Emergency responders failed to make it on time and baby Rowan died in his mother’s arms. Killing a baby or letting it die after being born alive is a crime, however investigation into the death of this poor child has yet to begin. This is the absolute shame of America.

Read Jill Stanek’s Testimony on Life Birth Abortions, which she has witnessed first hand.

Mind Reading Computers

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minority-report.jpgHere is something a little off topic. The movie Minority Report is about a cop in the future working in a division of the police department – the “pre-crime division” – that arrests killers before they commit the crimes courtesy of some future viewing technology. I saw it a couple of times and really enjoyed it. It was a very thought provoking piece. The idea is that these three “precogs” can view future events, murders specifically, and send the names of the victim and the perpetrator as well as video imagery of the crime and the exact time it will happen to these special cops who will then arrest the future “murderer” and put them in “jail” in a permanent sleep state. The question of course is, if someone is arrested before he commits a murder, can the person be accused of the murder, which – because of the arrest – never took place?

Why do I bring this up? This news story grabbed my attention: Brain scan ‘can read your mind:’ Brain scans have been developed which it is claimed can predict what a person is about to do. Right now the computers are only reading what the people in the study are currently thinking or doing, but scientists say that “Once this computer has been “trained” it can be used to predict the decisions of subjects solely from their brain activity alone.” This is because they are discovering what part of the brain intentions are stored and what part then takes over as the person becomes more active.

Professor Colin Blakemore, director of the Medical Research Council, said: “We shouldn’t go overboard about the power of these technologies at the moment.

“But what you can be absolutely sure of is that these will continue to roll out and we will have more and more ability to probe people’s intentions, minds, background thoughts, hopes and emotions. Some of that is extremely desirable, because it will help with diagnosis, education and so on, but we need to be thinking the ethical issues through.”

I don’t know about you, but it sounds pretty creepy to me.