It’s Official

Chelsea2008 Election, Politics, Pro Life1 Comment

John McCain is now officially the Republican nominee (as if that outcome was ever really in doubt) and the last remaining even vaguely pro-life candidates in the race. Obviously Obama and Clinton have no pro-life credentials, and in fact frequently argue over who is more pro-abortion. But is John McCain altogether much better? We all know that he is committed to increasing the amount of money taxpayers are already spending on embryo destructive stem cell research. But how about abortion, which is the only reason for his “pro-life” voting record? Is he seriously committed to changing abortion laws or is it just one of a host of other issues that he will simply deal with as it comes across his desk? Many still need convincing. As Tony Perkins pointed out in a recent FRC email:

A poll released last month by George Barna revealed that if the election were held then, only 45 percent of Evangelicals would vote for a Republican candidate. That number is down from 85 percent of Evangelicals who voted for George W. Bush in 2004. John McCain will have to convince social conservatives that their issues matter and that he can talk about them as a candidate and act upon them as president.

Granted that poll was conducted a full nine months before the general election, and I have a feeling that those numbers will go up once those voters are seriously faced with the extreme pro-death attitude of whichever Democrat wins the nomination. But I think it shows the growing frustration among social conservatives over the status quo of pro-life politics. We want a leader who understands the severity of the issue and is willing to use his position to encourage real change.

While this election cycle is fairly disappointing, we are still a government of the people (for now) and have the right and the privilege to make our own changes by always supporting serious pro-life candidates nationally as well as state/locally, even when it is not the most popular or “electable” thing to do. If no one else will be, we at least must remain faithful.

“God has not called me to be successful. He called me to be faithful” (Mother Teresa0.

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