A very proud mother recently passed along to me her son’s topic for his current events assignment at school a few weeks ago. It was on the 3/5 Fox News article “States Move Away from Abstinence-Only Sex Education as Teen Birth Rates Rise“.
His summary:
Students from Connecticut and California could be learning about a no-abstinence only sex education soon. The idea of “don’t wait” started after the fall of the Bush administration. North Carolina has a ninth highest pregnancy rate in the country. North Carolina teaches abstinence until marriage. Public schools have no tolerance for sex and drugs.
His opinion:
John Paull II said that sex is not evil but a gift if we use it correctly and no one understands that. God gave us sex to come more closer to Him not to grow apart. The students are abusing God’s gift and don’t understand it.
What our secular society does not seem to get is that the problem of teenage pregnancy is the result of an abuse of the gift of human sexuality, often because our youth does not really understand the nature and meaning of this gift in the first place. This eighth grader certainly gets it. Why? Because, he’s not learning some Plannec Parenthood-funded “comprehensive” sex education or some secular “abstinence only” (as in, “just say no!”) education. Instead he’s getting an authentic understanding of human sexuality – what our bodies are made for, what sex is meant for naturally and spiritually and what it symbolizes theologically – through the teaching of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.
As I said before, we must aim high for our young kids, especially in the area of human sexuality. As this young man so simply explains, we are meant to grow closer to God through our sexuality and it’s a good thing that’s worth waiting for! Let’s not deprive our children of this important message! Obviously they are capable of understanding it!
Check out TOB for Teens.