Hahaha! Silly Mayans…But, Seriously. Are You Preparing?

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

Now that 2012 is finally upon us, the whole Mayan Calendar thing is being mocked like never before. A few examples that I’ve seen quite a bit on Facebook this past week:


It’s funny. I get it. And I certainly agree that no exact-date end of the world “prophecy” should be taken seriously. But all jokes aside, the fact is that the end will come for all of us, maybe even sometime soon, and we should be preparing for it.

So too, you also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come (Mt. 24:44)

While we should never get caught up in end of the world date guessing, it is good to keep the end in mind and constantly as ourselves, “what am I doing to prepare myself to welcome the Bridegroom? Am I storing up treasures in heaven or am I trying to have it all here? Am I responding to God’s grace and nourishing my soul with the medicines of prayer, Scripture, Sacraments and holy fellowship so that my soul stands a chance?”

“Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth. Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man” (Lk. 21:34-36).

Mary in Adoration

ChelseaPro Life3 Comments

I’ve found this lovely little “nativity scene” about a week ago during a Google image search and I’ve been contemplating it ever since. At first glance, this is just a picture of Our Lady looking lovingly at her newborn son as any mother would. But then consider the fact that Mary is not just any mother. She is the Mother…of God.


I don’t know why, but this image, more than any other nativity scene, makes me think of one of the greatest devotions we have as Catholics: the ability to be alone with our Lord and adore Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament and it strikes me that when I go in for my holy hours every week, I am in the real presence – body, blood, soul and divinity – of the very same little child that Mary adored in her loving arms in Bethlehem so long ago.

That is all…Happy Eighth Day of Christmas, everyone!

The Holy Family

ChelseaFaith, FamilyLeave a Comment

holy-family.pngToday the Church celebrates the feast of the Holy Family – a model for all families. Pope Paul VI on Nazareth and family life:

May Nazareth serve as a model of what the family should be. May it show us the family’s holy and enduring character and exemplifying its basic function in society: a community of love and sharing, beautiful for the problems it poses and the rewards it brings; in sum, the perfect setting for rearing children – and for this there is no substitute.

Another Patron Saint for Drug Addicts?

ChelseaPro Life4 Comments

St. Maximilian Kolbe is typically considered the patron saint of drug addicts/against addiction and Venerable Matt Talbot is also frequently called on to help those with addiction, but St. Mark Ji Tianxiang might be worth praying to for help as well.
I’ve never heard of him until I read this article recently. St. Mark is one of the Chinese martyrs and, apparently, for the last 30 years of his life he was barred from receiving the sacraments because he was an opium addict.

It doesn’t sound like he was totally freed from addiction before he was martyred, but he tried and always prayed that he would be, so I’m sure he’d be a great intercessor for others who want freedom.

Deacon Greg Kandra delivered a wonderful homily in September about St. Mark and how, as the saying goes, a saint is just a sinner who keeps on trying. His memorial is on July 9, with the other Chinese martyrs.

related posts:
A Path to Freedom and Peace for Young People With Addiction
TOB Tuesday: Healing the Person
Sterilizing Addicts Doesn’t Fix the Real Problem

TOB Tuesday: Christmas Reflection

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On this TOB Tuesday, check out the TOB Institute’s Theology of the Body Christmas reflection from Fr. John Sullivan:

During my teenage years, I played an odd game with my five brothers and two sisters during Christmas time. We would play a version of “Where’s Waldo?” with baby Jesus. After Midnight Mass, we would come home and dutifully place the tiny plastic body of the Christ child in the manger. We then opened some presents before heading to bed. By morning, however, baby Jesus would be missing – until he was found sometimes hidden in the garland strewn on the mantelpiece. The finder then hid Jesus again, somewhere in the house, with the only stipulation that a part of his body had to be showing. Throughout the Christmas season this game of finding and hiding Jesus would go on, to our hysterical laughter and the tolerant bemusement of my parents.

I often think of that game now as an adult, but with a deeper question of “Where’s Jesus?” The Christ child can be lost nowadays in our search for the perfect gift, the crazy traffic jams of shoppers, the frenzied pursuit of entertainment, or the endless sound of Christmas music during the Advent season. And yet, the challenge is not to withdraw from this chaos, as if God cannot be found in the mess; but to search diligently like the shepherds or the Magi to find Jesus. His Incarnation teaches us that he is, in fact, found in the tangible, present moment. Our Lord desires to be found by us in the seemingly mundane circumstances of our daily life. He took human flesh from Mary and wedded it to the light of his divinity so his glory could radiate in every human encounter. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.”

Read the rest!

Christian, Remember Your Dignity and the Dignity of all Human Life!

ChelseaFaith, Pro Life, ReligionLeave a Comment

nullHappy second day of Christmas! While the rest of the world moves on from Christmas, for Catholics, the Christmas season has only just begun. I love this passage from a sermon by St. Leo the Great that is part of the Office of Readings every Christmas:

“Dearly beloved, today our Savior is born; let us rejoice. Sadness should have no place on the birthday of life. The fear of death has been swallowed up; life brings us joy with the promise of eternal happiness.

No one is shut out from this joy; all share the same reason for rejoicing. Our Lord, victor over sin and death, finding no man free from sin, came to free us all. Let the saint rejoice as he sees the palm of victory at hand. Let the sinner be glad as he receives the offer of forgiveness. Let the pagan take courage as he is summoned to life…

Christian, remember your dignity, and now that you share in God’s own nature, do not return by sin to your former base condition. Bear in mind who is your head and of whose body you are a member. Do not forget that you have been rescued from the power of darkness and brought into the light of God’s kingdom.

Through the sacrament of baptism you have become a temple of the Holy Spirit. Do not drive away so great a guest by evil conduct and become again a slave to the devil, for your liberty was bought by the blood of Christ.”

– From Pope St. Leo the Great:

This Christmas, let us remember, not only our dignity as Christians, but the dignity of all human life on this the “birthday of life”. God sent His only Son to bless the whole world, but, by intimately uniting himself to the human race, He uniquely blessed all human life, showing us the incomparable value of every human person – from the very moment of its inception.

God bless you all this Christmas season!

I’m Dreaming of a White (Sand Beach) Christmas!

ChelseaPro Life5 Comments

Greetings from the Sunshine State – where we’re guaranteed to have a white Christmas this year! Here I am at what has been my “office” since last Saturday and will be for the next five weeks:


It does not suck. Crash doesn’t think it sucks, either


I wish I could say that it’s been that sunny and warm everyday, but we’ve had quite a bit of rain and, for the most part, it’s been pretty cloudy and windy and chilly. BUT it’s warmer than mid-MO and there’s a beach, and that’s all that really matters, isn’t it? We’re on the panhandle, about as close to Alabama as you can get. So close, in fact, my mother and I have been going to daily Mass at St. Thomas by the Sea in Orange Beach.

So far things have been pretty relaxing. We haven’t been doing a whole lot; just getting ready for Christmas (I’ll be making some awesome Sauerbraten for Christmas dinner again this year). Next week I’m going out on a fishing boat with my dad and sister, but what I’m looking forward to the most is heading over to Jacksonville on January 2nd. for Florida vs. Ohio State at the Gator Bowl. I haven’t been to a Gator game since I was a little girl! Go Gators!! –,==,< Needless to say, I've been a little...distracted the past few weeks. There have been so many things I've wanted write about, but taking time to collect my thoughts and write on my blog has taken a back-seat to other work that needs to get done in between all the packing and getting ready to be away from home for six weeks, travelling, and now hanging out with my sisters who I never see anymore. Hopefully things will settle down here in the next week and I can focus a bit more on my writing – which is my New Year’s resolution.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a wonderful, blessed Christmas wherever you are. Here are a few more pictures of the beautiful view from our place.

Our Lover is Coming!

ChelseaFaith, Marriage1 Comment

In response to a post I wrote at Ignitum Today last month about contemplating death, a reader commented:

[W]hy not look at death as a meeting with the One we have been waiting for all our lives, similar to a soldier who is on the battlefield and thinks of his beloved waiting back home for him. When the war (of life) is over, he meets his loved one with inexpressible and unending joy. The reality of finally meeting Jesus face to face is the most beautiful experience imaginable.

Mary's UltrasoundYES! EXACTLY! And that is just what Advent is meant to be preparation for – being united with our Lover when he comes again in glory at the end of time.

Jesus Christ has many titles according to his relationship with mankind. He is Prince of Peace and King of Kings, Lord, Savior and even Friend. But it is often forgotten that He is also our Lover and Spouse:

As a young man marries a virgin, so shall your builder marry you (Is. 62).

God is madly in love with us and He wants us to be madly in love with Him in return. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says:

God has revealed his innermost secret: God himself is an eternal exchange of love, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and he has destined us to share in that exchange (CCC 221).

Christ came to earth and became man to make a marriage of mankind to himself so that we can fully share in the eternal exchange of love that is the Trinity. That is why heaven is described as a great wedding feast (Revelation 19:9).

This passage from the Song of Songs (2:8-14), which was the first reading at Mass today, wonderfully illustrates the beautiful, saving event we are preparing to celebrate on Sunday:

Hark! my lover–here he comes
springing across the mountains,
leaping across the hills.
My lover is like a gazelle
or a young stag.
Here he stands behind our wall,
gazing through the windows,
peering through the lattices.
My lover speaks; he says to me,
“Arise, my beloved, my dove, my beautiful one,
and come!
“For see, the winter is past,
the rains are over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth,
the time of pruning the vines has come,
and the song of the dove is heard in our land.
The fig tree puts forth its figs,
and the vines, in bloom, give forth fragrance.
Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one,
and come!

“O my dove in the clefts of the rock,
in the secret recesses of the cliff,
Let me see you,
let me hear your voice,
For your voice is sweet,
and you are lovely.”

Are you prepared to welcome the Bridegroom (Mt. 25:1-13)??

TOB Tuesday: Search for the Face of God

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Time for the week four Theology of the Body Advent reflection from the TOB Institute. This time from Fr. Patrick Nwokoye:

Two weeks ago, I was in Bethlehem where our Savior Jesus Christ was born. As I walked through the town amidst thousands of pilgrims, I wondered what it must have felt like two thousand years ago, how our world would be changed forever by this singular event! I also wondered what the Blessed Mother was going through, what Joseph was thinking about and the hopes and fears of the soon to be parents.

All of these ‘wonderings,’ though natural, quickly made way for something greater – the miracle of two thousand years ago. As I entered the church that now houses the place where Jesus was born, I experienced evermore that God became man – the Word of God became flesh and made his dwelling among us. It is quite humbling that God will make his dwelling amongst us, and yet that is exactly what we are about to celebrate!

Read the rest! I can’t believe Christmas is only FIVE days away!!