Human Patients Treated for MS With Adult Stem Cells

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After immunosuppressive therapy, fifty-six human patients with Multiple Sclerosis received autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (h/t Wesley Smith). Tatiana Ionova, MD, PhD, Department of Haematology, Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow, Russia reports that “All patients appeared to respond to treatment.” From the release:

Improvement was seen in 62.3%, and stabilisation occurred in 37.7% of patients. Progression after improvement occurred in 7.1% and progression after stabilisation in 11.8% of patients.

There were no deaths during the course of the study.

Out of 26 patients included in the quality-of-life analysis, 24 exhibited a response and preserved a good quality of life during the follow-up. No unexpected treatment-related adverse events were observed.

Dr. Ionova concludes that this treatment is a safe and effective therapy for MS.

Meanwhile a woman in the UK is fighting for the right of her and her husband to travel to Switzerland for an assisted suicide after she can, “no longer bear being alive.” Tragic.

There is No “Pregnant Man“!

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

OK, I have to bring this up b/c it’s just getting ridiculous. The media, Oprah and the tabloids are going crazy over this “man” in Oregon who is just four weeks from giving birth to a baby girl. Ignoring the biological facts of the case, they are treating this as some scientific miracle, the “world’s first pregnant man.” He’s not. As Wesley Smith put it a few months ago:

Beatie is a female who has taken hormones to develop male secondary sex characteristics, and who identifies psychologically and emotionally with the male gender. But his primary sexual characteristics, e.g. vagina, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, apparently remain intact. Thus a FEMALE is pregnant, not a MALE. This is a non story that illustrates all that is wrong with the modern media environment.

He may psychologically, emotionally, legally and socially identify as a man, but biologically Thomas Beatie is still a woman and “his” pregnancy is nothing new under the sun. As shocking as the pictures are, a real life “Junior” this is not.

The Big Picture Behind Abortion

ChelseaAbortion1 Comment

In an article for Fox News (pt. 1 of 2) John Lott looks at the consequences of the liberalizing of abortion rules in the late 60s and early 70s:

With abortion seen as a backup, women as well as men became less careful in using contraceptives as well as more likely to have premarital sex.

There were more unplanned pregnancies. But legal abortion did not mean every unplanned pregnancy led to abortion. After all, just because abortion is legal does not mean that the decision is an easy one.

Academic studies have found that legalized abortion, by encouraging premarital sex, increased the number of unplanned births, even outweighing the reduction in unplanned births due to abortion.

In the United States from the early 1970s, when abortion was liberalized, through the late 1980s, there was a tremendous increase in the rate of out-of-wedlock births, rising from an average of 5 percent of all births from 1965 to 1969 to more than 16 percent two decades later (1985 to 1989).

For blacks, the numbers soared from 35 percent to 62 percent. While not all of this rise can be attributed to liberalized abortion rules, it was a key contributing factor, nevertheless.

With legalization and a woman not forced to go through with an unplanned pregnancy, a man might well expect his partner to have an abortion if a sexual encounter were to result in an unplanned pregnancy.

But what happens if the woman refuses — say, she is morally opposed or, perhaps, she thought she could have an abortion but upon becoming pregnant decides she can’t go through with it?

Many men, feeling tricked into unwanted fatherhood, likely will wash their hands of the affair altogether, thinking, “I never wanted a baby. It’s her choice, so let her raise the baby herself.”

What is expected of men in this position has changed dramatically in the last four decades. Evidence shows that the greater availability of abortion largely ended “shotgun” marriages, where men felt obligated to marrying the women.

What has happened to these babies of reluctant fathers?

The mothers often raise the children on their own. Even as abortion has led to more out-of-wedlock births it has dramatically reduced adoptions of children born in America by two-parent families.

Before Roe, when abortion was much more difficult, women who would have chosen an abortion but were unable to get one turned to adoption as their backup. After Roe, women who turned down an abortion also were the type who wanted to keep the child.

But all these changes — rising out-of-wedlock births, plummeting adoption rates and the end of shotgun marriages — meant one thing: more single-parent families. With work and other demands on their time, single parents, no matter how “wanted” their child may be, tend to devote less attention to their children than do married couples; after all, it’s difficult for one person to spend as much time with a child as two people can.

From the beginning of the abortion debate, those favoring abortion have pointed to the social costs of “unwanted” children who simply won’t get the attention of “wanted” ones. But there is a trade-off that has long been neglected. Abortion may eliminate “unwanted” children, but it increases out-of-wedlock births and single parenthood. Unfortunately, the social consequences of illegitimacy dominated.

Children born after liberalized abortion rules have suffered a series of problems from difficulties at school to more crime. The saddest fact is that it is the most vulnerable in society, poor blacks, who have suffered the most from these changes.

Full article

New Hope for Parkinson’s

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According to a Griffith University study, published last Thursday in the journal Stem Cells, there is evidence that stem cells taken from a patient’s nose could produce dopamine-producing brain cells when transplanted into the brain. It has been a success in mice anyway.

I find this study particularly interesting because just a few years ago human spinal cord injury patients were also treated with stem cells from their own noses and every one of the seven patients showed improved ASIA motor scores, among other improvements. Read testimony from patient Jacki Rabon, or watch video.

Previous posts:
Stem Cells Help Primates with Parkinsons
Cloning Used to Treat Mice With Parkinsons
Listen Up, Michael J. Fox!
More News for Fox
Even More Ethical Life Science News

Unborn Baby Pics!!!

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I love ultrasound pictures of unborn babies. There is a reason that these pictures cause many women thinking about abortion to choose life instead. Recently a few of my friends have passed along pictures of their own unborn children:

Twins: Jack and Irene
I joked with Meredith that their names had me singing, “little ditty ’bout Jack and Irene…”

Baby Boy Bisges:


Arabella Perpetua:


Fighting for Life in a Time of War

ChelseaWarLeave a Comment

Saving Private RyanOne of my favorite scenes from Saving Private Ryan (which is my favorite movie) comes after they take out a machine gun nest on their way to Ramelle. After digging graves to bury the dead there, a surviving German is blindfolded and the soldiers prepare to execute him, nevermind the fact that he surrendered. When Pvt. Reiben threatens to leave after Capt. Miller sets the surrendered German free, Miller explains:

Sometimes I wonder if I’ve changed so much my wife is even gonna to recognize me whenever it is I get back to her — and how I’ll ever be able to tell her about days like today…You wanna leave? You wanna go off and fight the war? Alright. Alright, I won’t stop you. I’ll even put in the paperwork. I just know that every man I kill the farther away from home I feel.

This has been in my mind over the last week and a half ever since Memorial Day, and since today is the 64th anniversary of D-Day. Marlboro ManAs I fight for the right to life of every human being here at home, many of our service men and women are living in a situation where they not only run the risk of being killed, but also might have to be the ones doing the killing themselves. I can’t begin to imagine how that might affect a person mentally. While killing enemy combatants may be morally justified, taking the life of another human being is not a natural impulse.

A segment on Dateline NBC this Memorial Day titled Coming Home, explored the psychological effect that killing has on our soldiers in combat. Lt. Col. Dave Grossman explores this in his books On Killing and On Combat. And Army Officer Pete Kilner discusses it on his blog Thoughts of a Soldier-Ethicist. Many service people come home from combat with serious post traumatic stress disorder and it makes sense that a lot of that comes from the fact that so many of them have killed.

War educates the senses, calls into action the will, perfects the physical constitution, brings men into such swift and close collision in critical moments that man measures man. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

However you feel about the war, these men and women need our love and support. Personally I have used Adopt a Platoon three times to adopt soldiers overseas. I sent my last package to my third soldier in April (he’s a paratrooper in the 173rd Airborne Brigade serving in Afghanistan) and will likely be adopting another soldier in the near future. AAP was founded and operated by the mothers of men and women who are or have been serving overseas. They are very dedicated and offer a wide variety of ways to contribute, including specifically themed campaigns, though simple letters from home are always a favorite. There is also support for wounded soldiers. You can also send support through Catholics in the Military and so many others. For those who cannot spend a lot of time and money sending letters and packages overseas spiritual support is also greatly needed.

Previous posts:
Supporting Our Troops
Day of Days
Lance Cpl. Darin Thomas Settle

Goodbye Grandma!

ChelseaDeath, Personal, Prayer2 Comments


I got word today that our dearly beloved nursing home resident, Dorothy, finally passed away yesterday afternoon at the ripe old age of 92. Doctors gave her no more than a day to live on May 23. So she really fought to remain here as long as she could! And that’s just like her, too. Mom and I visited her in the hospital last Saturday and her daughter told us that that morning Dorothy told her, “grab my hand and pull. I want to get out of here.”

Fr. Lueckenotte, the most humble and gracious priest who is in charge of visiting all of our nursing homes and hospitals, has been constantly at Dorothy’s side over the last week and a half. This morning he told me that he used to say to Dorothy a quote from St. Thomas More to his wife before he was martyred, “Pray for me as I will for the that we may merrily meet in heaven.” Unable to remember the exact quote, Dorothy’s version went, “I’ll pray for you, you pray for me and we’ll hippity hop up to heaven.”

Dorothy is better known as “Grandma” of Grandma’s Cool and Zesty Salad Dressing. Always a shameless self promoter, I’m sure Grandma would be delighted if bottles of this great tasting cole slaw and salad dressing (her very own recipe) were purchased in her honor. She often starred in her own TV commercials, and did regular TV and radio interviews (even during the last few years) promoting what she called her “dream come true.” You can purchase Grandma’s dressing online or find it in a store near you.

She was as faithful, as spirited and as stubborn as they came and I’m sure she is hippity hopping her way into the arms of the Lord as we speak.

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

Cure Found for Child’s “Untreatable” Skin Disease!

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nullTwo year old Nate Liao is the first person to be successfully treated with cord blood and bone marrow stem cells to correct his epidermolysis bullosa (EB). Now doctor’s say they have set the path for a cure for his painful genetic skin disease. Those who suffer from this disease experience a life of chronic pain, blisters, sores, amputations, infections and it can eventually lead to cancer. Nate received the stem cells from his healthy brother last October. Nate’s brother Jacob, who also has the disease, received a cord-blood transplant from an unrelated donor on May 30. Watch video

While scientists back off claims that embryonic stem cells will ever treat human patients, ethical “adult” stem cells continue to impact the lives of many.

“Don’t Kill the Butterfly”

ChelseaAbortion, video3 Comments

Check out this great pro-life song from country duo Bluefield:

Jill Stanek reports on Butterfly and Bluefield here and here. As of early April the duo says they heard from three girls who changed their minds about having an abortion after hearing the song. Their MySpace page features many comments from people on how this song affected them.

One commenter under the video on You Tube says: “I wish this song was around like 5 years ago then maybe my butterfly would be here :'(“ Pray that she gets the healing she needs as she adds at the end: “Makes me feel like a low life person when I hear stuff like this.”

Those looking for post abortion healing should visit Project Rachel or any of these other support and recovery groups – including some for men

“The Infant Leaped in Her Womb”

ChelseaPro Life, ReligionLeave a Comment

VisitationHappy feast of the Visitation! This account of the Blessed Virgin visiting her cousin Elizabeth is is one of my favorites in scripture. I love it because the life of the unborn child is so clearly illustrated.

During those days Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”

And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;
my spirit rejoices in God my savior.
For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness;
behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed.
The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.
His mercy is from age to age to those who fear him.
He has shown might with his arm, dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart.
He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones but lifted up the lowly.
The hungry he has filled with good things; the rich he has sent away empty.
He has helped Israel his servant, remembering his mercy,
according to his promise to our fathers, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.”
~Lk. 1:39-55