Do Babies Learn Language in the Womb?

ChelseaFetal DevelopmentLeave a Comment

UltrasoundThis is extraordinary! Live Science reports

From their very first days, the cries of newborns already bear the mark of the language their parents speak, scientists now find.

French newborns tend to cry with rising melody patterns, slowly increasing in pitch from the beginning to the end, whereas German newborns seem to prefer falling melody patterns, findings that are both consistent with differences between the languages.

This suggests infants begin picking up elements of language in the womb, long before their first babble or coo.

Prenatal exposure to language was known to influence newborns. For instance, past research showed they preferred their mother’s voice over those of others.

Still, researchers thought infants did not imitate sounds until much later on. Although three-month-old babies can match vowel sounds that adults make, this skill depends on vocal control just not physically possible much earlier.

However, when scientists recorded and analyzed the cries of 60 healthy newborns when they were three to five days old — 30 born into French-speaking families, 30 into German-speaking ones — their analysis revealed clear differences in the melodies of their cries based on their native tongue.

Continue reading (h/t Wesley Smith)

Previous post:
Study: Memory Forms at 30 Weeks in the Womb

Event: Adult Stem Cells Saved My Life

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell ResearchLeave a Comment

Adult Stem Cells saved my lifeI was surprised and honored to get an email from Dr. David Prentice this past weekend inviting me to Family Research Council’s Adult Stem Cells Saved My Life Education & Awareness Campaign premier in Kansas City this coming Saturday, Nov. 14th.

Sadly, when most people think of stem cells they think of those that come from embryos. They even think ESCs have been successful in producing some treatments or cures. However, only adult stem cells are now saving lives and offering real hope to patients with Brain Cancer, Breast Cancer, Leukemias, Lymphomas, Heart Damage, Juvenile Diabetes, Spinal Cord Injury, Sickle Cell Anemia, Multiple Sclerosis, and dozens of other diseases. As long-time readers of this blog know I try to keep track of all the ASC successes that I can. I even started blogging with another woman at Adult Stem Cell Awareness. Unfortunately, I get caught up with so many other things that I don’t get around to updates very often – and there’s always a LOT of updating to do!

The FRC event will showcase patient testimonies and a community website that will offer hope to patients and families seeking new treatments. If you are in the area please join us!! RSVP by calling 800-225-4008 or online at The event is from noon – 3 p.m. at the Shawnee Town Hall: 11600 Johnson Drive, Shawnee , Kansas 66203 ( Kansas City Metro)

If you can’t make it, please browse my ASCR archive and read about some of the amazing things that have been done in this ethical field of stem cell research!

Also, a quick browse through my Google Alerts of the past two weeks found these stories:
Adult stem cells increased mobility for spinal cord injury patients
Black Sabbath’s Tony Iommi ‘feeling great’ after stem-cell treatment on hand (I couldn’t find a story explaining where the stem cells came from, but they are adult)
Experimental Stem Cell Therapy Raises Hope for Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients
Cell therapy for ulcers
First Use Of Antibody And Stem Cell Transplantation To Successfully Treat Advanced Leukemia
Gene and blood Stem Cell Therapy Technique Slows Brain Disease ALD
Stem Cells Repair Acute Lung Injury in Mice

Former Planned Parenthood Director Describes Watching Abortion on Ultrasound

ChelseaAbortion2 Comments

This is an interview with Abby Johnson, the former PP director I told you about last week. Here she tells Mike Huckabee what she saw when she assisted an ultrasound guided surgical abortion. h/t Jill Stanek

I can’t imagine anyone watching something like that and continuing to support such a horrific practice. Thank God Mrs. Johnson was able to see the light. And there’s no way her conviction be blamed on religion or conservative ideology. Mrs. Johnson simply saw the reality of abortion and had the good sense to know that it was wrong.

Abortion Doctor Admits that Abortion is Killing

ChelseaPro Life2 Comments

This is pretty disturbing. According to this news story, not only does “Dr.” (I’m using that term very lightly) Curtis Boyd very nonchalantly admit that he is killing unborn children, he performs abortions as late as 24 weeks and says he’s had clients as young as 9 and 10 years old. Oh ya, and, a former Baptist minister, he also prays for each abortion (h/t CMR):

On a happier note, an abortion clinic in Pensacola FL closed earlier this week.

“The Modern Method of Marrying and the Wedding Industry Militate Against Marriage”

ChelseaMarriage3 Comments

Rev. Know-it-AllThis is great! In the bulletin for St. Lambert’s parish in Skokie, IL, the Rev. Know-it-All (aka the parish’s pastor, Fr. Richard T. Simon) responds to a woman who inquired “I visited your church once and am thinking about having my wedding there. How long is your main aisle?”

I am often asked that question, and never quite understand it. Are brides curious about the length of the aisle because they think a longer aisle may give them a few more minutes to back out of the whole thing? Or, as I suspect, does a long aisle prolong the glorious promenade of which a young girl dreams as she thumbs through bridal magazine as she contemplates her special day, when all eyes focus on her as she approaches her enchanted prince and all the world thinks she’s gorgeous and knows that she has bagged her man just as surely as a Wisconsin bricklayer bags a deer and ties it onto the roof of his pick up truck?…Why is it that weddings cause people to spend so much time, energy and money? And more money.

The average American wedding costs almost $29,000, according to “The Wedding Report”, a market research publication. $29,000!” Oh, by the by, the usual donation to the church is about $200.00. That $200 goes to the church, not to the priest. The usual gift to the priest is a hearty handclasp. The usual cost of the photographer is $2,000.00. All this tells me that the photographs are one hundred times more important than the grace of the sacrament, in most peoples’ estimation. The usual fee for the DJ is $1,500.00. I am consoled by this. It means that painful,occasionally obscene music loud enough to cause brain damage is only 75 times more important than the grace of the sacrament.

You must be thinking why is this guy so down on weddings? I am down on some weddings because I am very “up” on the sacrament of matrimony and really in favor of marriage. That’s why the modern method of marrying and the wedding industry make me crazy. They militate against marriage.

Here is the heart of my complaint. IT IS STUPID TO SPEND MORE TIME AND MONEY PREPARING FOR THE WEDDING THAN YOU DO PREPARING FOR THE MARRIAGE!!! I have known people who are still paying the credit card bills generated by the wedding years after the marriage is over.

Read the rest as Rev. Know-it-All describes the “modern method of marrying” as he has experienced it over the years.

I can’t imagine how frustrating it is for priests these days to try to prepare a couple for the Sacrament of Matrimony while they are preoccupied with other preparations for the wedding day festivities (guest lists, invitations, decorations, clothing, food, music, etc…). It’s not that these things aren’t at all important. But for the modern couple, who likely do not attend Mass regularly and have been ignoring the Church’s teaching on premarital sex, contraception and cohabitation, understanding the seriousness of the covenant they are about to make and the graces it bestows is less of a priority than, say, making sure the wedding party looks good.

When a good friend of mine was getting married a few years ago she said they chose the shortest marriage prep. classes offered in order to “get it over with” as quick as possible. She also asked me if they “had to tell Father we’ve had (and probably were still having) sex.” Another good friend of mine got married in the Church and chose to have the shorter, non-Mass, wedding ceremony because it was easier and they didn’t want to inconvenience their friends/family members who would bring small children. This, despite the fact that the bride and groom and their families were all Catholic. Knowing what I know now about what marriage is meant to symbolize, I can’t imagine a Catholic wedding without the “Sacrament of the Bridegroom and the Bride.”

Has defying Church teaching worked out well so far in your marriage or someone’s you know? In perhaps an even bolder column, Rev. Know-it-All further explains how the “modern method of marrying” has created “moral and spiritual pollution.”

(h/t Fumare)

TOB Tuesday: Sex and Natural Law

ChelseaContraception, Family, Love, Marriage, Sex, Theology of the Body, TOB Tuesday2 Comments

CreationJP II comments on Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae and the nature of the marital act:

The Church…teaches that each and every marriage act must remain through itself open to the transmission of life. That teaching, often set forth by the magisterium, is founded upon the inseparable connection, willed by god and unable to be broken by man on his own initiative, between the two meanings of the conjugal act: the unitive meaning and the procreative meaning (HV, 11-12)…

…In order to clarify more deeply that “inseparable connection, willed by God…between the two meanings of the conjugal act,” Paul VI writes…as follows: “By its intimate structure, the conjugal act, while most closely uniting husband and wife, capacitates them for the generation of new lives, according to laws inscribed in the very being of man and of woman (HV, 12).

We observe that in the preceding sentence the text just quoted deals above all with “meaning” and in the sentence after this with the “innermost structure” (that is, nature) of conjugal relations. When it defines this “innermost structure,” the text refers to “laws inscribed in the very being of man and woman.”

…Nothing else is at stake here than reading the “language of the body” in the truth, as has been said several times in the earlier biblical analysis. The moral norm, constantly taught by the Church in this sphere, recalled and reconfirmed by Paul VI in his encyclical, springs from reading the “language of the body” in the truth.

What is at stake here is the truth, first in the ontological dimension (“innermost structure”) and then – as a consequence – in the subjective and psychological dimension (“meaning”) The text of the encyclical underlines that in this case we are dealing with a norm of the natural law.

–General Audience of July 11, 1984, TOB 118:2, 5, 6)

The people who say that “sex is natural” really are onto something. However, when they use that as their basis for their belief that, therefore everybody should be allowed to “just do it” whenever and with whomever they feel like, they essentially ignore, or totally deny, the act’s most basic and “natural” functions? Of course sex is, and should be, a pleasurable experience, but it is not an end in and of itself. It was created as a means of uniting one man and one woman and (God willing) building a family through that union.

This is what our bodies tell us! If only we would listen.

TOB Tuesdays

Abortion Clinic Worker Sees the Light

ChelseaAbortion, Planned Parenthood, video1 Comment

Praise God! A woman in Texas has quit Planned Parenthood after her views on abortion changed. Not only did she quit, but she even joined forces with the “Coalition for Life” members who regularly pray outside the clinic.

According to this story (and the video below) she was told by her former employers, who had been struggling financially, that her job was to “get more abortions in the door”:

In the interest of protecting “the safety and confidentiality of our clients and staff” the clinic has filed a temporary restraining order against the woman and the Coalition for Life. No word on what, exactly prompted the order. However, we do know that it does not bar them from the sidewalk outside the clinic.

(h/t Creative Minority Report)

Aggie Catholics has way more info.

Sanctity, Prayer and Activism

ChelseaActivism2 Comments

The Solemnity of All Saints is a day to remember all those souls who lived lives of holiness and are now enjoying the Beatific Vision in heaven – whether they’re recognized by the Church or not. But it’s also a good day to reflect on the universal call to holiness – the call of each one of us to strive for sanctity in our own lives.

Because of some problems I’ve been having recently balancing time spent in prayer and time focused on the pro-life work that I (try to) do, my spiritual director had to again remind me that “without regular time for prayer you risk becoming ‘just an activist’ – we should want to be saints first.”

It is easy to get so swept up into activism (esp. when the stakes are so high!) that the time we spend concentrating on our own interior life can begin to deteriorate. But, if evangelization is our goal, as it should be, the only way to achieve real, lasting change is by taking our own conversion seriously first. When we seek first for ourselves the interior peace of the Gospels then we can more effectively communicate that peace to others.

[O]nly this peace of heart truly liberates us from ourselves, increases our sensitivity to others and renders us available to our fellow man…Acquiring and maintaining interior peace, which is impossible without prayer, should consequently be considered a priority for everybody, above all for those who claim to want to do good for their neighbor. Otherwise, more often than not they would simply be communicating their own restlessness and distress. (Fr. Jaques Philippe, Searching for and Maintaining Peace, p. 7, 8 )

This doesn’t mean we have to wait until we are totally purified to raise our voices in defense of the truth, but we must be careful not to let our activism draw us away from a life of prayer and peace in our own hearts. Even the greatest saints who performed the greatest acts of charity and had the greatest influence in their time were only able to do so by the grace of God because they had a firm commitment to their own personal sanctity, which was cultivated by regular time spent alone in conversation and love with the Almighty.

“Acquire interior peace and a multitude will find its salvation through you” -St. Seraphim of Sarov

A Very Confused Looking “Pro-Choice” Activist

ChelseaAbortion, Activism, Planned Parenthood2 Comments

HA! At the Planned Parenthood clinic in Columbia, MO, where pro-lifers have been participating in 40 Days for Life, there is a very small group of pro-choicers who stand outside the clinic on Thursday afternoons. This group is made up mostly of employees of this Planned Parenthood (the abortionist herself even came out and joined them once) and a known lobbyist for PP in MO. Sometimes they have trouble avoiding the many pro-life signs we have planted along the sidewalk:

Confused Pro-Choicer

This pic was too priceless to pass up. A friend told me that two other women eventually joined her and they stood in front of our sign. See a similar pic of these women next to one of our signs here.

A few more pics from PP today:

One of our regular pray-ers chats with the cop hired to “guard” the clinic on Thursdays when the abortions are being committed.
40 Days for Life

No, he wasn’t giving her a hard time. She actually called him over for a little friendly conversation. I’m told these cops have always been very amicable with the 40 Days for Lifers and vice versa. But it sure is a little discomforting to see a man, whose duty it is to defend and protect our citizens, literally escort the weakest and most vulnerable members of our society to their deaths.

A group from the Newman Center at the University of Missouri came to pray:
40 Days for Life

The Columbia Tribune recently ran pretty fair piece on our vigil: Vigil seeks to end abortion

Only three more days left in the fall 40 Days for Life campaign. So far 430 babies have been saved Nationwide this fall (4 in Columbia) bringing the total since 40 Days began in 2004 to 2,000! There’s still time to participate! Find a location near you.

Planned Parenthood and “Sexual Rights”

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

Scary: Sexual rights: an IPPF declaration