Not that I thought this was going to be a piece of cake, but, wow. I was not planning on taking an entire week off blogging, but I just haven’t had much time to sit down long enough to do any significant writing or even a short blog post in the past week. I arrived safely in Florida last Wednesday night and, even though the moving truck with the majority of our belongings did not get here until yesterday, we’ve managed to stay pretty busy settling in and setting up the little amount of stuff we were able to bring along with us. Then, when we weren’t busy working on house stuff, I was spending time with my middle sister who came down to help us out since it will probably be a pretty long time before I see her or my other sister again now that we live in different states. We managed to make it to the beach twice for a little bit.
As long and difficult as the process has been, it’s all worth it to be able to officially call myself a Floridian once again! We’re in northwest Florida, though, practically on the Alabama border, so we are surrounded by Bama fans in our neighborhood. It’s gonna be an interesting football season! GO GATORS!! –,==,< There's still a LOT of work to do unpacking everything that finally got delivered, but I hope to start easing back into regular blog mode this week. I hope some of you are still with me!