Rooted in Abortion?

ChelseaAbortion, Pro Life, Right to Life3 Comments

The killings of yesterday at Virginia Tech University, inevitably cause us to ask the question “why?”. Why, or how, is it so easy for one person to just open fire and senselessly murder 32 random people and then turn the gun on himself? Is it fair to say, as Mother May I points out, that these killings could be rooted in abortion? No, abortion did not cause murder to come upon the human race. Indeed, senseless killing has been around since Cain slew Able. But one has to think that the continual legally sanctioned slaughter of literally thousands of children every day does something to the moral compass of our society.

3 Comments on “Rooted in Abortion?”

  1. Chelsea (,

    Perhaps I should have chosen my words more carefully. For I agree that random acts of murder have always been with us and that 3,500 abortions daily points our moral compass in the wrong direction.

    The mentally unstable student who massacred 32 people at Virginia Tech created his own definition of morality, rather than following the commandment “Thou shalt not kill.” Like those determining who deserves birth rather than abortion, the mass-murderer determined whom should live or die (including himself). Moral relativism is dangerous, especially in the hands of someone like Cho Seung-Hui, who took moral relativism to the extreme.

    Marybeth T. Hagan
    Author of “Abortion: A Mother’s Plea for Maternity and the Unborn” (Liguori Publications)

    P.S. Your website is lovely.

  2. Thank you for the comment. Perhaps I should have cosen own words more carefully, because I actually meant to be agreeing with you.


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