This ranks among the most disturbing things I’ve ever read. The UK Times Online columnist, Caitlin Moran, has an article out today explaining why abortion is the ultimate motherly act. Caitlin herself opted to have an abortion after giving birth to two children because “I knew I would see my existing two daughters less, my husband less, my career would be hamstrung and, most importantly of all, I was just too tired to do it all again.”
Her entire article is proof of what I have spoken before about how abortion and the modern feminist movement has destroyed our sense of the sacredness of maternity. She rejects the traditional view of the mother as the “gentle giver of life” who would “carry to term every child she conceived…because her love would be great enough for anything.” But this is exactly who all mothers are called to be!! No doubt there are many hardships that come with motherhood, but that does not mean that we give up and take the easy way out. We are all called to love as God loves and very often that requires us to “give until it hurts.” As Mother Teresa put it, “So, the mother who is thinking of abortion, should be helped to love, that is, to give until it hurts her plans, or her free time, to respect the life of her child. The father of that child, whoever he is, must also give until it hurts.” And always adoption is there as a loving alternative.
There is a reason that we have this “traditional” view of the mother, because we know deep down that a woman’s very soul is meant to be maternal – biologically or spiritually. And we know that abortion distorts this virtue.
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Child Born Despite Mother’s Best Efforts