Information Overload

ChelseaPro Life3 Comments

Consider this post a bunch of stuff I have been meaning to share with you over the last few weeks but never got around to. I don’t know if it’s writer’s block, lack of inspiration or just simply a disciplinary failure on my part, but I’ve not managed to finish many of the posts I’ve started lately. And there have been many. I also think I may be having a bit of a three year blogging itch. I’m starting to feel like everything I write or try to write I’ve written before and I’m not sure how many times I can re-write it.

At any rate, here’s a few things that have caught my eye lately:

Assisted dying: what’s disability got to do with it? – this guy laments that the debate on assisted dying has been hijacked by disabled people who want to live. It needs to be reclaimed for terminally ill people who want to die. I guess he’s never heard of Daniel James and the many other non-terminal patients who travel to Switzerland to enjoy their life ending services. Perhaps if assisted suicide really was limited to the terminally ill the disability rights advocates wouldn’t have so much to say about it (though, it would still be wrong).

This blogger asks: When did marriage become an outdated concept?
Answer: since it has become our own creation, not God’s.

Sentenced to death on the NHS, Down Syndrome Man starved to death in British hospital. Really, and they wonder why we think that the government health care plan being discussed here in America might not favor the elderly or the disabled. Especially since a Federal panel is already in place to apply a cost- effectiveness standard to health care. And it’s membership includes this guy who, among other things, has suggested that doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously, “as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others” (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 18, 2008).

Green Sex! Seriously, the next time you’re lectured by a woman about “going green” and eating organic and all that, ask her if she’s taking a hormonal contraceptive that’s poisoning her body with various chemicals as well as polluting our streams and waterways with the disposal of hormone-laden sewage. The answer might surprise you – or not.

Sign up for a pro-llife credit card! What a sweet idea. With thi card a percentage of your purchases will be donated to Crossroads Pro-Life

This weekend pro-life advocates will be praying for 27 hours outside the White House to protest abortion funding in health care reform.

40 Days for Life starts in about 2 weeks. It will run from Sept. 23 – Nov. 1. Find out who is participating in your area.

3 Comments on “Information Overload”

  1. Hm. Maybe you could take an “extended Sabbath”, or something, and not blog on a given day or two (unless something really cosmic came up)? Ironically, I find that I get “the itch” to blog soon after I said, “enough, for a few days!”… but that might just be me.

    If it helps: I (and many others) *really* love your blog!

  2. Maybe it’s because I haven’t been a reader for all that long, but I’ve never known your posts to be repetitive.

  3. Paladin – Yes, it does help. Thank you, I really appreciate it. I may need to take a break here or there, but what I really need to do is work on disciplining myself if I want to be serious about my blogging/writing.

    Bob, it may not be that I really am being repetitive, it just feels like it sometimes when I’m writing about similar stuff with these life issues over and over again.

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