The pro-life news sites constantly news have updates about pro-life laws in all of the states. I don’t normally comment on them just because there are too many to keep up with – I have a hard enough time keeping track of what’s going on in my own state. If they’re anything like Missouri, each state could have at least a handful of laws up for a possible vote. But I thought I could fill you in on what’s happening here. I told you last week about my Rep’s bill to protect Pharmacies from lawsuits when they or their employees refuse to sell certain abortifacients. There are a few other good pieces of legislation in the works, which include:
A joint resolution to ban cloning – HJR 11 and SJR 20
Alternatives to Abortion Services – it appears there are two bills in the house for this, one sponsored by a Democrat: HB 691, and one sponsored by a Republican: HB 1055. Both are co-sponsored by many of the same people so I am not sure what the purpose of this is.
The Unborn Child Pain Prevention Act – HB 821 and SB 196
And the biggie, a semi-abortion ban: HB 99O says, “Any person who performs or induces, or attempts to perform or induce, an abortion on another, other than to save the life of the mother, is guilty of a class B felony.” Though, it is only for unborn children “of twenty or more weeks gestational age.” Still a good start.
So there you have it. The session is still young, too. Who knows what other bills may pop up in the months ahead. Tomorrow is the “No Cloning Rally” to suppurt the joint resolution. I am praying that a lot of people show up. If this resolution doesn’t pass we head to the streets to collect signatures.