That famous pro-life mantra, adopted from the late Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who, will be heard on the big screen next March (HT: Pro-Life With Christ). It’s a re-write of the original, but I hope they leave that now famous phrase in there! Here is a trailer:
You can also watch the original animated version from 1970 on You Tube in 4 parts: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Seuss’ widow, Audrey Geisel, serves as one of the executive producers of this film and, according to Life Site News is a supporter of Planned Parenthood, abortion and the homosexual movement. Neither Geisel, nor her late husband, were ever fond of pro-lifers using that phrase and even threatened legal action against one group. Hopefully her charities and her involvement in the film don’t make it questionable for pro-lifers to financially support the movie (as if this would be much different or worse than supporting anything else that comes from Hollywood).