Advocates of non-marital sexual relations often like to cite the “naturalness” of sexual intercourse. You hear it all the time: “sex and sexual attraction is “natural,” you can’t expect people to abstain or confine themselves to just one partner forever. That’s just so, well, UNnatural!” Oddly enough, however, these people who condemn the “unnatural” practices of abstinence and marital fidelity think nothing of using various forms of contraception to intentionally thwart the most basic and natural purpose of sexual intercourse – that is, the creation of new life. Here, citing a study by Prof. Lionel Tiger, Dr. Janet Smith explains how even animals sense that there is something not quite right about this:
Talk about unnatural! Hormonal contraceptives alter a woman’s biological make-up in a very major way. What’s worse, By suppressing her fertility, she actually loses what it is about her that makes her a woman and therefore attractive to men – at least for the right reasons.
Fertility is not some abnormal medical condition. It is a normal, healthy part of the reproductive cycle and, for human beings, a gift that allows us to image the life-giving love of God in the Trinity.