When a guy is happily married, no matter what happens at work, no matter what happens the rest of the day, there’s a shelter when you get home. There’s a knowledge, knowing that you can hug somebody without them throwing you down the stairs and saying get your hands off me. Being married is like having a color television set; you never want to go back to black and white. -Danny Perasa
Danny and his wife, Annie, recount their twenty-seven-year romance. Super sweet.
Last week, Pope Francis told young people in Asissi to have the “courage” to marry and start a family in this world that “(privileges) individual rights rather than the family”.
Christian marriage, he said, is a “real vocation, just like priesthood and religious life are. Two Christians who marry each other have recognized in their love story the Lord’s call, the vocation to form one flesh, one life from the two, male and female.”
“Don’t be afraid of taking definitive steps, like that of marriage.”