Supporters of embryonic stem cell research are working hard to get enough signatures to put a constitutional amendment on the Florida ballot in 2008. The amendment would require the state to spend $20 million annuallly on embryonic stem cell research for 10 years. But it looks like the opposition is gathering signitures for an initiative of their own. See here and here. A group called Citizens for Science and Ethics is trying to get an amendment on the ballot that says: “No revenue of the state shall be spent on experimentation that involves the destruction of a live human embryo.” Pretty clever. This is something I have often thought that we should have tried to do in Missouri this year. This will be an interesting race to watch in 2008. Let’s at least hope that the Citizens for Science and Ethics gather enough signitures!
On a personal note: a dear friend of mine – a father of 5 and a champion for life – passed away this morning. He was only 54. Please join me in praying for him and his family.