Last weekend’s Values Voter Summit, at which many politicians, some 2012 presidential hopefuls, attempted to make their case to social conservative voters, reminds me of this advice from Archbishop Chaput from his book Render Unto Caesar:
The proof of a person’s faith is whether, how, and how much it shapes his or her behavior, public leadership included. That’s especially true when doing the right thing gets politically expensive…
It’s always best to assume the honesty and goodwill of other people, including the candidates for public office. It’s also fair to look for the evidence of what people say they believe. As Scripture says, “You will know them by their fruits” (Mt. 7:20). That’s the first and best voter guide ever written. And it’s one the Internal Revenue Service has not (yet) taken issue with. (p. 222)
I’m sure some of those guys made some great speeches, but when it comes to deciding who I’m going to vote for, I’m more interested in what they do/have done, in office.