On the Death of George Tiller

ChelseaPro Life4 Comments

The murder of abortionist George Tiller is an outrage and a tragedy. Whoever perpetrated this crime can never be called pro-life and I am pleased with the pro-life community for its overwhelming condemnation such violence.

Unfortunately, no matter how many pro-life bloggers and organizations express their disapproval, we will still all be linked to this crime by the pro-abortion community which is incapable of separating the average pro-lifer from the lunatics on the fringe. Indeed, some, like Washington Post columnist Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, say the responsibility for producing such unstable individuals lies with the pro-life ideology and the absurd belief in absolute truth. Says Thistlehwaite:

I also believe that if the anti-abortion movement were honest with itself, and with the American people, it would admit that its “absolute truth claims” lead inexorably to attitudes held by those who commit crimes against abortion providers: “the end justifies any means.”

Late-term abortionist Warren Hern blames (h/t Jivin J) Tiller’s death on the entire pro-life movement and its

35 years of relentless and merciless anti -abortion harassment, violence, and intimidation, hate speech, and violent rhetoric and this is the absolutely predictable consequence of that kind of mindless harassment and fanaticism….

The main difference between the American anti-abortion movement and the Taliban is about 8k miles…

And, in an interview on CNN today, AL abortionist Diane Derzis said that pro-lifers are lying when they denounce the murder and have, “put the target on our chest, on our backs” with their agenda to, “do away with abortion in whatever way they can.”

Perhaps the most unsettling consequence of Tiller’s murder is the announcement that the U.S. Marshals Service will begin protecting certain abortion clinics and doctors. Now, I’m not saying that I don’t want doctors and clinic workers to be protected, but this could be a serious problem for all of the peaceful, law abiding pro-lifers who keep vigil outside abortion clinics, especially when clinic workers and women entering the clinics convincingly claim to be “harassed” and “threatened.” Just ask Rev. Walter Hoye.

Obviously the abortion rights crowd is worried that this might encourage more violence against abortion providers. But I can’t help wondering how soon we can expect to see an increase in violence against pro-lifers now: see If They Persecuted Me, They Will Also Persecute You and AbortionViolence.com

Bottom line: Tiller’s murder, like the murder of any human being, is a crime against humanity and, regarding the issue of abortion, will only cause more tension and hostility between the two sides of the debate. It is a loss for everyone.

4 Comments on “On the Death of George Tiller”

  1. The prochoice movement, by insisting that abortion is utterly benign, that it’s beneficial to women and families, that there’s absolutely no rational reason to object to it, has no doubt led to hundreds if not thousands of murders of pregnant women by men outraged that those women refused to abort.

    After all, if there’s no rational reason to object to abortion, what motive could the woman have for refusing? Well, the only reason anybody has to object to abortion, right? The desire to “punish” people and to “force” parenthood on them.

    Prochoice rhetoric leads to women’s murders year in and year out. We need to start calling them on it.

  2. There is only one who we know with certainty can judge justly a man’s heart, and he is seated at the right hand of the Father.

    For an individual man (or woman) to decide that he, acting on his own authority, will impose a sentence of death is a crime and a sin.

    So, without question, Tiller’s murder is an outrage. The fact that it was committed in a house of worship makes it all the more sickening.

    But a loss? I’m not so sure.

  3. I’m getting fed up with how Tiller is being made out to be a martyr. Since when does a serial killer of children deserve to be honored?

    Barbara Shelly wrote a column in the KC Star talking about his “selfless service”. It got me fired up enough that I’m writing a letter to the editor and I’ll be talking about it on the radio show tomorrow.

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