Call You Congressmen

ChelseaEmbryonic Stem Cell Research, Politics, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

The United States House of Representatives is scheduled to vote for more federal funding of embryonic stem cell research tomorrow. Now is a good time to get a hold of your representatives and urge them to oppose the DeGette/Castle Bill, H.R. 3. This bill, like the one President Bush vetoed last year, will ease restrictions placed on federal funding of ESC research, even though the federal government spent $50 million on human ESC research using the lines that Bush approved in 2001. Meanwhile this research has been plagued with set backs, most notably rapid tumor growth in mouse subjects, not to mention the fact that it requires the destruction of innocent human life. The American taxpayer should not be forced to pay for unethical and unproven scientific research any more than they are already (which is too much). Be sure to point out that there is no ban on human ESC research and nothing preventing private investors from funding the research. As one astute Secondhand Smoke reader pointed out: “Explain to me why US federal funds, as opposed to private funds or foreign government funds, are required to make a scientific breakthrough.” The short answer? They’re not.

You can call any member at 1-202-224-3121 or look up your representative online at

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