Meet Crash:
On this nine year anniversary of my car accident I thought I’d introduce you to one of the wonderful things that happened as a result of my injury. A few months before my accident my neighbor’s dog gave birth to a litter of Maltese puppies (I want to say that was some time in September). A few weeks later they brought over one of those little white balls of fluff and I was instantly in love. I tried to convince my mother to let my boyfriend buy one for me but she refused. We had two cats inside and another dog outside and that was enough as far as she was concerned. Besides I think she had a feeling that she would be the one taking care of this dog, no matter how bad I wanted it. As the weeks went by I never stopped loving those puppies who were slowly finding themselves new owners.
My accident was a almost 10 days before Christmas and my neighbors had one puppy left. The kids in the family decided that they wanted to give me that last puppy as a Christmas present…if it was ok with mom, that is. Of course she said yes and a few days before Christmas “Christopher” was delivered to my hospital room. I didn’t much care for the name Christopher so we quickly tried to come up with a new name for him. Sticking with the letter C, my boyfriend at the time decided that since the only reason I got this dog was because of my car accident we should call him “Crash.” It was perfect (and yes, I love the awkward reaction I get from people when they ask why we named him that). I never was a dog person before, but Crash became an immediate best friend and now I don’t know how I ever lived without him (or how I will in the future). It’s a curious thing, the bond that can exist between animals and humans.
Enjoy some pictures of Crash over the last nine years. You wouldn’t know it from these pictures, but as of a few years ago he is terrified of the camera and runs away as soon as we take it out. Luckily we got some good ones before that happened:

10 Comments on “Say Hello to My Little Friend”
What a wonderful post! Crash is beautiful. I don’t know how folks get by in this world without a pet. My husband wrote a post on our lab, Tilly, who departed this earth well over a year ago, and I never thought I could possibly get another dog. I was so attached to her and the pain of her departure was just too grand to go through again, but next to me now is our 6-mo-old lab, “Bella,” wagging her tail and thank God I gave in and purchased her. She is our third “therapy” lab, the first two living long wonderful busy lives. Here’s the link to “From Tilly to Eternity …”
Ahh, what a well-loved little guy. It’s great how God orchestrated things so that you would have that surprise puppy just when you needed him – and thereafter.
I was running off to a doc appointment and didn’t get to finish my comment previously, so it ended abruptly, but I wanted to thank you for such a wonderful blog. There are so few who are able to combine gifted writing with important subject matter, and a clean site (not a lot of distracting gizmos in the sidebar that take time loading), and there is hardly a day that goes by that I do not stop by.
And please give Crash a congratulatory treat from me. He’s really something special. When I read you named him Crash, all I could do was smile, because I realized you had an “offbeat” sense of humor, in addition to your beautiful faith. A great combo!
God bless you, and keep writing!
Thanks for being a loyal reader! I don’t get many comments on here so it’s hard to tell who is reading, if anyone (and I don’t exactly trust the accuracy of the site statistics that I get). Managing a (respectable) blog is hard work (especially for someone as disorganized as I am!) and if I’m able to pull it off at all, it’s only by the grace of God – seriously.
I really enjoyed your husband’s post and will have to keep an eye on his blog, too!
I will certainly give Crash some love on your behalf – please give Bella the same from me!
Dear Chelsea and Crash, We are 2 Maltese dogs who stumbled across this awesome website. What an inspiration! We read your page about all the things you realized, and it gave us a lot to think about. It is obvious from these outstanding piktures that Crash loves you very much, and he is lucky to have such an awesome human. LoLLy is a rescue and we spend our time trying to show people how awesome rescue can be, and also that all creatures are sacred and special, so that there will be fewer rescues in the first place! Thanks for your inspiring blog, Love, Your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy! Oh also Dear Crash, we have a blog for Animals Only! No humans allowed! So when you have a chance, stop by and drop us a line. Love again, still Your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy.
🙂 Don’t forget some of us humans who (quietly) read your blog regularly, too! God bless and prosper your efforts!
Dear Chelsea, I am a frequent visitor to Spirit Daily but the first time I have ever seen your story. My son Joseph was also injured and is a C 5/6 complete quadraplegic. His accident happened 11 years ago on June 24th. 2000. He and friends were horseplaying in our family backyard swimming pool. Joe took an unusual dive into the shallow end and almost drown if not for his 12 year old brother who responded quickly. He bruised his spinal cord from the impact.
Joe is now 26 and I am very proud to say is practicing Law in our little town in Indiana. He is a well adjusted young man who has been given God’s beautiful grace to take this suffering and use it for greater good. It sounds like you and Joe share the same unique thoughts about this situation you both are in. Joe has been an inspiration to our family and friends not to mention community. Are you still corresponding on this site? I will look forward hearing from you. Laurie Johns
God bless you always Chelsea. Amen.
When I was a young boy my grandmother was paralyzed as a result of a surgery. Although paralyzed physically she was the strongest, most intelligent and caring woman I have ever met. You remind me of her. God bless you.
What an awesome dog! ( :