Killing Our Children

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I have to give a big thank you to Bill O’Reilly. For over a year he has really been investigating the state of Kansas and their partial birth abortion policy – specifically with regards to George Tiller, often referred to as “Tiller the Baby Killer.” Tiller’s situation is particularly troubling. He will perforn late term, partial birth abortions, for just about any vague “health” exception, including temporary depression on the part of the mother. Even more disturbing is that there is now apparently evidence that his clinic is performing these and other abortions on girls as young as 10 and 12 years old (which indicates forceable rape) and not reporting them to the proper authorities. O’Reilly points out that, “If we allow this, America will no longer be a noble nation — a country that stands for human rights and protection of the innocent.”

Late term, partial birth abortions are most commonly done in the third trimester on children fully capable of surviving outside the womb. This is the saddest fact of all. These chldren, instead of being killed, could have been delivered alive and put up for adoption.

If you or someone you know is considering this or any abortion check out this video by the Right Brothers, it’s beautiful:

O’Reilly’s coverage has prompted the pro-life group, Operation Rescue, to organize a protest at Tiller’s clinic in Witchita this coming January 20-22. The protest will coincide with the Roe v. Wade anniversary and the March for Life in Washington D. C. on Jan.

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