Humanae Vitae, the Church and Contraception

ChelseaChastity, Contraception, Faith, Family, Freedom, Natural Family Planning, Sex, Sexuality1 Comment

Our presentation on Humanae Vitae, the Church and Contraception this Sunday was a success. We had a very good crowd and I think the overall message got across pretty well in the short amount of time we had to deliver it. Truly each of the three speakers could have taken up the whole hour and a half themselves – so hopefully we’ll be able to do more of this in the future. I was able to shoot video of two of the talks before my memory card was full:

Here is Fr. Shetler, our associate pastor, explaining the Church’s teaching on contraception, sex and marriage:

Here is Spencer Allen, our grade school principal, explaining how he and his wife discovered the beauty of the Catholic Church’s teaching on sex and marriage, after contracepting for three or four years, and how they began to live that teaching within their own marriage:

The last speaker was Carolyn Tucker who runs the Creighton Model fertility clinic here in town giving a demonstration on how NFP works, how it has become more scientific and how it can be used to pinpoint the exact moments when a woman is fertile and when she is not. I didn’t have enough memory to take video of her talk, but it was wonderful!! Women should be using this even if they aren’t trying to achieve or avoid pregnancy. It’s a wonderful way to just know what is going on with your own body.

I was so pleased that Fr. Shetler even spoke about this in all of his homilies on Sunday!!! God love him! I would be willing to bet not many of the priests in our diocese even mentioned it (I know my spiritual director did at his parish at least). Fr. challenged and encouraged the faithful to stop being afraid of the Church’s teaching in this area. It exists for your happiness and to set you free!!

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