Great Pro-Life, Catholic Fiction

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Mary Meets Dolly blogger Rebecca Taylor kindly wrote up a review of Brian J. Gail’s pro-life trilogy for me to publish over at Catholic Lane:

Fiction is as instructive as non-fiction, maybe even more so. The best fiction catches us up in a world outside our own all the while teaching us truths about ourselves and humanity. The pleasure of reading a great story cements those truths into the deepest corners of our mind. Dean Koontz has been quietly reeducating the masses for years and now there is Brian J. Gail and his trilogy Fatherless, Motherless, and Childless.

Brian J. Gail’s trilogy is uniquely Catholic taking on the American sacred cows of contraception in Fatherless and IVF and embryo destructive research in Motherless. Through the books’ main character, Father John Sweeney, the reader discovers the destructive nature of the Pill, the evils of creating life in a dish and the eugenic underpinnings of embryonic stem cell research. The characters are real Catholics faced with real problems. True to life, Gail’s characters make their decisions in the face of life’s dilemmas and their choices reverberate through their spiritual lives. Gail is clearly a business man with many passages in both novels taking place in New York board rooms. I admit I sometimes felt lost amongst the business speak, but Gail depicts a reality: that many of our current moral conundrums originated with decisions made by powerful businessmen willing to obscure the truth to maximize profits.

Read the rest! It sounds like a great series. I’ve got Fatherless on my Kindle. Hopefully I will be able to take some time soon and finally read it!

Taylor mentioned Dean Koontz. Another book series worth checking out is his Frankenstein series about transhumanism and the deadly quest for human perfection and immortality. See my post: Dean Koontz: Chronicling Our Doom

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