It’s all About the Money

ChelseaCloning, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Missouri4 Comments

Speaking of life sciences in Missouri. Recently KS and MO Governors got together for an economic development conference to discuss each state’s committment to life sciences in Kansas City. From the story:

They focused on growth opportunities and the need to address serious challenges hindering advances in the life sciences, the development of a highly skilled work force, efforts to make high-quality health care available to more people and energy practices that protect the environment…

Throughout the three-hour event, the biosciences continued to be touted as one of the region’s most promising sources of high-quality jobs and lifesaving breakthroughs. With three area medical schools, the Stowers Institute for Medical Research and dozens of animal health and life sciences companies, the region boasts a substantial foundation.

This is why Gov. Blunt urged for the removal of stem-cell research politics as an obstacle for the region’s life sciences economy:

“Missourians have spoken,” Blunt said at the Governors’ Summit on Regional Economic Development at Liberty Memorial in Kansas City.

“They are supportive of responsible scientific research and allowing research that the federal government allows in our state,” Blunt said. “I am hopeful we will get to a sense of stability and it will be clear that this sort of early stem-cell research is indeed protected in our state.”

Too bad that “early stem cell research” involves the creation, use and destruction of living human embryos.

This should tell you what is largely behind the push to support the biotech industry in all of its demands, at least politically. It’s not about cures and scientific advancement, but “economic development.” Economic development that comes at the cost of human life.

This also underlines what I have been saying about Matt Blunt all along. Not only has Governor Blunt done nothing to protect us from this assault on human dignity he, in fact, has encouraged and financially supported the progression of this kind of unethical and immoral science in our state. We would have already had a ban on human cloning in this state three years ago if it wasn’t for his influence. He’s not alone, of course, he has been aided by a weak Republican majority, unwilling to stand up to him on this serious pro-life issue.

I am glad that he will not seek reelection and I will be supporting Kenny Hulshof for Governor!

4 Comments on “It’s all About the Money”

  1. I will also support Kenny Hulshof. I went to D.C. for the Pro-Life March one year while I was in High School and I got to hear him speak, he was amazing. His knowledge and dedication to the cause cannot be topped. We listened to him at the end of the trip and I wish he would have spoken earlier in the day because I was so ginned up after listening to him.

    He was also incredibly approachable. After he spoke he stayed around taking pictures with us kids and talking to the adults.

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