Hillary’s “Religious Devotion” to Abortion Rights

Chelsea2008 Election, Abortion, PoliticsLeave a Comment

nullVia Life Site News: In a new biography, God and Hillary Clinton: a Spiritual Life, historian Paul Kengor sets out to answer the question: What does Hillary Clinton believe? What did he discover? A friend and colleague of Kengor, Warren Throckmorton, read through the press information on the book and says that we can expect to find out that:

There is no issue closer to Mrs. Clinton’s heart than abortion rights—to which she holds a nearly religious devotion—so much so that it has become a kind of political theology to the senator, equipped with its own set of apologetics.

– On the abortion issue, Kengor has provided unprecedented information on Mrs. Clinton and the root causes of her position. Interviewed several times for this book is Mrs. Clinton’s close friend and one-time OB-GYN, William F. Harrison, the nationally known Fayetteville, Arkansas abortion doctor. Harrison was very candid, and provided telling insights into Hillary’s sudden deep devotion to the cause of abortion rights by the time of Roe v. Wade, a marked moment on her political-religious path from Park Ridge Methodist to the White House.


Interestingly she says Jesus is the motivation behind her mission to provide government-based health care for children because:

“We know so well what Jesus said to his disciples, holding a small child in his arms, that whoever welcomes one such child in my name, welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me, welcomes not me, but the one who sends me (Mt. 9:37)…Taking that face and transposing it onto the face of every child we see, then we would ask ourselves, ‘Would I turn that child away from the health care that child needs?’”

Apparently she doesn’t see that passage’s significance to the whole abortion issue with regards to the child in the womb. Also interesting, it turns out it was Bill’s pro-life pastor who talked him into a pro-choice position on abortion. Huh?

I think I’ll probably pass on purchasing this book, though I might go in to Barnes and Noble and browse through it a little bit. I really enjoyed, and recommend, Kengor’s book, God and Ronald Reagan, which I finished reading the day Reagan died a little over three years ago.

Other books by Kengor:
God and George W. Bush
The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism
The Reagan Presidency: Assessing the Man and His Legacy

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