Contraception Videos

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If you haven’t been on You Tube lately you might want to check out some of their videos about contraception.

I have always thought there was something wrong with taking medication when there is nothing physically wrong with you. Fertility is not a disease or condition that requires medical attention. Ovulation, and even pregnancy, is a normal, healthy part of a woman’s reproductive cycle, though, admittedly it is, at times, a nightmare to experience. So what happens when women start taking hormonal contraceptives to repress normal, healthy ovulation or otherwise alter the natural (and, again, healthy) cycle of female fertility and reproduction? SoConTV has been posting a series of videos on the medical consequences of contraception as explained by noted endocrinologist Dr. Maria Kraw (HT, Pro-Life Blogs).

Part 1:

It is a 12 part series recorded at the Humanae Vitae 2006 conference in Canada. You can catch the rest of the videos here.

I also found an excellent video explaining how the birth control pill (yes, the normal one, not just “plan b”) works as an abortifacient. This is something BC manufacturers still do not like to make public. Most women taking the pill still think that they are just preventing ovulation, when in fact may also be preventing the implantation of their already conceived unborn children:

I love these videos on NFP vs. Contraception, directed, written, acted, and edited by Catholic seminarians at the Institute for Priestly Formation in Omaha. This is my favorite of the 4 videos. It points out the cooperation between men and women using NFP and how it increases marital intimacy:

Find out more on NFP at, The Family of the Americas, NFP Outreach and the Couple to Couple League

Bottom line, fertility is not a disease. It is not a medical condition which should be eradicated. It is a beautiful gift from God which helps us to share in his life giving love. It is time to reclaim the truth and meaning of human sexuality:
John Paul II’s Theology of the Body
What is the Theology of the Body & Why is it Changing so Many Lives?
Theology of the Body, the original audiences by JPII

Previous posts:
NFP vs. Contraception
Contraception Prevents Abortion, Doesn’t It?
Married Life and the Gift of Love

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