Our Mother Surely is Weeping Today

ChelseaAbortion, Prayer, Religion, Right to Life2 Comments


MEXICO’s capital has legalised abortion, defying the Church but delighting pro-choice advocates in the world’s second-largest Roman Catholic country.

Mexico City politicians voted 46 to 19 to pass a leftist-sponsored bill allowing women to abort in the first three months of pregnancy.

Yes, Our Lady, who once came to this city to save her Mexican children, most certainly is in tears today.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, we turn to you who are the protectress of unborn children and ask that you intercede for us, so that we may more firmly resolve to join you in protecting all human life. Let our prayers be united to your perpetual motherly intercession on behalf of those whose lives are threatened, be they in the womb of their mother, on the bed of infirmity, or in the latter years of their life. May our prayers also be coupled with peaceful action which witnesses to the goodness and dignity of all human life, so that our firmness of purpose may give courage to those who are fearful and bring light to those who are blinded by sin.
(from a prayer said at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on January 22, 1999)

2 Comments on “Our Mother Surely is Weeping Today”

  1. Take heart, Chelsea.

    For Mary is no stranger to suffering.

    As you profoundly put it (“About Me”)in your thoughts on the subject and by example in the way that you live your life, “suffering is the key to salvation.”

    This news from Mexico City should spur we U.S. pro-lifers to fight even more for the dignity of life. With help from Our Lady we will lead by example — as you do — and continue to soften hardened hearts…one at a time.

    Marybeth T. Hagan
    Author of “Abortion: A Mother’s Plea for Maternity and the Unborn (Liguori Publications)

  2. Thank you for the kind words and the confidence in Our Lady! I am constantly consoled by our Mother’s loving arms and I trust, as she told us, that her Immaculate Heart will triumph in the end.


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