Invasion of the Baby Snatchers

ChelseaAbortion, Fetal Farming, Stem Cell ResearchLeave a Comment

Missing Ukranian babies, may have been killed and harvested for their stem cells. This report comes after women in the Ukranian town of Kharkiv claim that their newborn babies were taken by maternity staff after birth never to be seen again. They were later told that the babies had died at birth and were buried in a communal grave. Upon exhumation, the bodies were allegedly found with their organs removed.

Another story reveals the growing black market of smuggling aborted fetuses into Russia from the Ukraine to use their stem cells for BEAUTY TREATMENTS. They are even paying women to get pregnant for the sole purpose of aborting the child 12 weeks later:

RUSSIA and the Ukraine currently top the world abortion league, with more of the operations carried out here than anywhere else on earth. Evidence gathered by the Moscow police department has shown a growing black market in aborted foetuses, which are smuggled into Russia from the Ukraine and Georgia.

Here, poverty-stricken young women are paid 200 U.S. dollars to carry babies up to the optimum eight to 12-week period – thought to be best for harvesting stem cells. They are then sold on to cosmetic clinics.

‘The cavalier attitude of Russian cosmetic surgeons is grotesque,’ says Dr Minger. ‘The origin of the cells is ethically immoral.'”

This should remind us that we in America must never cease preaching the Gospel of Life. The way things are shaping up with the embryonic stem cell/cloning debate, this happening in America is not out of the realm of possibilities.

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