Tasty and High-Tech Contraceptives

ChelseaContraception, Family, SexLeave a Comment

Mmm Mmm Good! In an attempt to help reduce the level of birth control pill “failures,” one company has come up with a chewable, spearmint flavored pill to entice women to take the pills regularly. The idea is that if the pill is tasty and fun to take then women would be less likely to forget or skip doses, ensuring a higher rate of birth control efficiency. For a great satire on this see: New chewable birth control pill aims to combat preteen pregnancy.

Of course we can’t leave the men out of this contraception reformation. In Germany, sex educators are in the process of developing spray on condoms. Meant to go from liquid to rubber in seconds, I suppose there is some practical reason for this. If you figure that out please enlighten me. On second thought, just keep it to yourself, I’d rather not know.

All of this, though, fails to teach responsible and meaningful sexuality. Our sexuality, who we are as persons, is a supreme gift from God. And the marital embrace, within the bonds of holy Matrimony, is meant to be a mutual exchange of total self giving – a gift of self that holds nothing back, including fertility.

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