Former Komen VP to Release Book Exposing Planned Parenthood’s Bully Tactics

ChelseaBreast Cancer, Komen for the Cure, Planned Parenthood1 Comment

Oh, snap. Former Komen for the Cure VP Karen Handel has landed a book deal. The title?


Yes. That about sums it up.

For those of you who don’t know, earlier this year, Komen adopted new grant criteria that effectively ended its financial support for Planned Parenthood. The move made complete sense since, on top of currently being under investigation by a U.S. House Committee and not providing mammograms, which are a woman’s best chance for detecting breast cancer, mounting evidence suggests that some of the main “goods and services” that PP does provide — abortion and hormonal contraceptives — actually increases a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer.

This prompted the abortion giant to go on a media frenzy, condemning Komen’s actions as a political move to score points with pro-lifers who have been upset with their connection to PP for years. Under pressure, Komen soon reversed their new policy and all was once again right in PP’s little world (in which they are the Queens of the Universe and all must bow to their baby-killing authority…and give them lots of money).

The pro-life Handel, who many believe was the driving force behind the initial change in policy, resigned shortly after the decision was reversed.

Planned Bullyhood is scheduled to be released next month and promises to tell the full story of the Komen’s decision to defund Planned Parenthood and the subsequent reversal. Click here to pre-order.

Andrea Mitchell vs. Paul Ryan (and the Ladies Who Love Him)

Chelsea2012 Election, Abortion, Contraception, HHS Mandate, WomenLeave a Comment

In her totally unbiased live report on the announcement of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s running mate last weekend, MSNBC’s White House Spokesperson Correspondent Andrea Mitchell said: “I think you’re going to see that they (have) decided that this is a base election. This is not a pick for suburban moms. This is not a pick for women. This is a pick for the base.”

heygirlryan-web.jpgSpeak for yourself, Ms. Mitchell. Many ladies LOVE Paul Ryan. None more so than the ones behind the “Hey Girl, It’s Paul Ryan” Tumbler meme. Most of the graphics are related to his economic policies, such as, “Hey Girl, Let’s Get Fiscal,” or “Hey Girl, that actually IS a zero-baseline budgetary graph in my pocket. But, I AM happy to see you.” I think this one is my favorite, though:


I know it’s not easy for you to come to terms with, Andrea, but not all women think that we have a right to kill our offspring. We also don’t think that our fertility is a disease that needs to be “treated” with hormonal contraception. Even less-so do we believe that employers, religious or otherwise, should be forced to offer insurance policies that cover this so-called treatment.

It is worth noting that the Ryan “Hey Girl” women are in their 20s. To paraphrase a friend of mine: This “war on women” that you speak of is the shrill cry of an old, dying, barren generation. Most of us younger women are interested in nurturing life, not taking it.

Prenatal Testing is Not the Problem

ChelseaAbortion, DisabledLeave a Comment

The International Down Syndrome Coalition makes some excellent posters. Came across this one today:


I repeat: Prenatal testing itself is not the problem, abortion and how we view the lives of children with disabilities is.

Romney/Ryan 2012: That’s One Hot Ticket!

Chelsea2012 Election2 Comments


Is it bad that, upon hearing about the Ryan pick yesterday, this was my first reaction (via Facebook):

Haha! All I know about Paul Ryan is that after he gave the GOP response to one of the President’s SOTU addresses all I could think was, “I’m sorry, I was a little too distracted by how cute he was to listen to anything he just said.” You know, Romney’s a pretty good looking man, too. This might be the most attractive presidential ticket in history.

But seriously. That Ryan is solidly pro-life and a practicing Catholic definitely makes Romney a more palatable candidate for president in my book, but only slightly (I’m not really convinced that the vice-president has a major influence on the president or his policies). But, hey, slightly palatable is more than I can say for the totally unsavory character we’ve had to stomach for the past 3 1/2 years. So he’s got that going for him, which is nice.

An interesting anecdote: a friend of mine from WI told me

We just recently met (Ryan) and his wife at a wedding reception that we were all guests at and we chatted about Catholic stuff. His kids are in Catholic school and one of his daughters visits the sisters nearby three or four times a week (budding religious).


There is Hope for Each

ChelseaAddiction, videoLeave a Comment

“There is hope for each… Every man is made in the image and likeness of God.” -Ven. Fulton Sheen

When I came across these words yesterday, they reminded me of a community I have written about here a number of times that helps people, mostly drug addicts, get their lives back on track.

The Cenacolo website offers a lot of personal testimonials to give you an idea of how the community has helped changed the lives of many young people. But if you’re interested in getting a sense of what daily life is like for the men and women in community, the following is an excellent video. It’s in German, but you can still get the general idea:

It can be frustrating watching a loved one in a seemingly endless cycle of self destructive behavior, but, as Ven. Sheen notes, there’s hope for each. Don’t give up. Keep praying, especially and maybe give the Community a call if you haven’t already.

Accessible Playgrounds

ChelseaDisabled, Eugenics1 Comment

NOVA Employment posted this picture on Facebook with the caption: “Accessible playgrounds are awesome. LIKE this if you think EVERY child deserves to have a little fun.”

It’s beyond awesome. And, yes, every child has a right to pursue happiness…and have some fun!

People who advocate for killing disabled unborn children say that they want to spare the child a life of misery. But, who says that disabled children are miserable? Certainly not the children, themselves! This is the kind of thing we need to be doing more of for children with disabilities to help make their lives even more enjoyable, not trying to prevent them from ever seeing the light of day.

Related: Helping Disabled Children to Live

Equal Persons, Unequal Acts

ChelseaGay Marriage/Homosexuality, Homosexuality2 Comments

Confession: I did not go to Chick-fil-A last Wednesday. But I did have a long conversation with my very liberal grandmother about homosexuality/same-sex marriage when it came up. Does that make up for it?

A couple of articles related to this whole mess that I want to draw your attention to, if you haven’t seen them already:

First – JoAnne K. McPortland gave the best explanation of legal marriage that I think I’ve ever read:

“marriage is in no society a universal human right. For the state, marriage is a privilege, like driving or voting. It comes with attendant rights and responsibilities. To be married in the eyes of the law, you must meet certain requirements and be free of certain impediments. You must request the state’s permission to exercise this privilege by applying for a marriage license, just as you must secure a driver’s license or register to vote. If you are interested in legislation to extend the privilege of marriage to couples of the same sex where that extension does not now exist, whether it is called domestic partnership or marriage, you (and Jeff Bazos and Howard Schultz) are free to lobby for that, to pour money into campaigning for it, whatever—just as Dan Cathy is free to lobby against it and to pour money into campaigning against it. What you cannot do is make a privilege into a universal human right, no matter how hard you close your eyes, cross your fingers, and wish. In terms of religion, of course, marriage is more than just a privilege—it’s a holy rite. That’s not a right, either, though by claiming a universal human right to marriage you may hope to be able to sue churches and synagogues and mosques and temples into according you “special rites.”

Read more.

Then, over at Catholic Lane, Dale O’Leary goes where many marriage defenders fear to tread:

Of course they are human beings with all the rights of other human beings. The problem is not that the people aren’t equal, but that the acts aren’t equal. Those defending marriage don’t like to get explicit, but sometimes it is necessary. The intimate acts engaged in by two people of the same sex are not equal to the marital union. Those acts do not unite two persons in one flesh in an action in which each participates with their full personhood as male or female. A man engaged in sexual union with a woman is acting as a man, a woman as a woman.

The acts engaged in by two persons of the same sex are acts which one person does to another, not with the other as equals. To be graphically blunt, homosexual acts engage the genitals of only one of the partners at a time. The acts engaged in by two persons of the same sex, even if engaged in by a male/female couple, would not consummate a marriage.

Read more.

Said à la Jerry Maguire, “I LOVE GAY PEOPLE!!!” And I want them to have all the rights that every human being is entitled to. But, as JoAnne points out, marriage is not a right and even if same-sex couples should ever be granted the privilege of marrying under the law, the Church could never allow or recognize it because their “marriage” could never be consummated, as O’Leary explains.

Sometimes I think this debate is too heavily emotionally charged for anyone to have a rational conversation about it. Not that meaningful dialogue doesn’t happen, but by and large, it seems that people spend too much time making noise, not arguments, and refusing to actually listen to each other. Brandon Vogt and Theresa Noble have some helpful suggestions for both sides to consider as we move forward in this debate.

The best advice I can give you is this: remember that you’re dealing with people, not issues, and meet them where they’re at. When I talk to my grandmother, for instance, I have to keep in mind that our difference of opinion is shaped by two completely different world views. So, even though we can have a calm, rational conversation about things like same-sex marriage and even (sometimes) abortion, and she understands that I’m not judging or hating anyone (especially her), I have to accept (and expect) that nothing I say is going to change her mind about things. That’s not really my job, anyway. My role is just to proclaim the truth in charity and pray that Christ will show her the way.

Previous post: Marriage Laws: It’s Not About Regulating Love

Genetic Testing Doesn’t Kill Sick Babies, Abortion Kills Sick Babies

ChelseaPrenatal Genetic Testing2 Comments

genetic-testing.pngAs the technology progresses, doctors are able to test unborn children for various diseases and disabilities earlier and earlier. Naturally, many pro-lifers are concerned about this because of the high-percentage of children who are killed in utero after negative test results. But condemning the genetic testing itself for the murder of these babies is a bit misguided. Dr. Gerard Nadal explains:

We live in the age of Molecular Biology, where diagnostics (including those for Down Syndrome) are becoming much more accurate, sensitive, and inexpensive. It’s a blessed thing to behold.

That may come as a surprise statement to many, but the truth of the matter is that diagnostic testing for Down Syndrome has great potential for good, especially the newer blood tests that can detect Down Syndrome earlier.

First, letting parents know much earlier takes from the more eugenic Ob/Gyn’s the leverage that comes with the more traditional (and later) amniocentesis. Women often receive those tests results within days to a couple of weeks of the legal limit for having an abortion. It doesn’t give the woman time to emotionally digest the diagnosis, leaving her vulnerable to coercive pressure from genetic counselors, doctors and family.

Next, the earlier blood tests allow more time for women to sit with their decision, and to seek out and receive alternative advice without the deadline for abortion looming large on the horizon. Contrary to arguments that say the abortion rate will skyrocket with such testing, as early term abortions are easier to have, one need only consider that research from Harvard University shows that 93% of all Ds babies diagnosed are being aborted; so there’s little margin for any skyrocketing of abortions.

The glass is half-full here.

By itself, the technology is morally neutral. This technology can alert an Obstetrician to the need for more sonograms and the need for bringing onboard a perinatologist. Some Ds babies have anomalies that require immediate surgical intervention at birth. Early diagnostics can help to determine whether the birth should be vaginal or C-section, and whether or not a surgical team needs to be on standby.

Read more.

That good science can be used to very bad things, doesn’t make the science itself bad. After all, we don’t condemn the testing of people for cancer or other debilitating diseases after birth even though assisted suicide and euthanasia are becoming increasingly more common these days. I certainly understand the misgivings that people have regarding prenatal genetic testing, but let’s be clear here, the real problem is abortion and the culture of death, not the testing itself.

As Wesley Smith noted recently about this same topic: technology is not the problem. We are.

God Bless You, Chick-fil-A!

ChelseaGay Marriage/Homosexuality, HumorLeave a Comment

Happy Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day!

Did you go to Chick-fil-A today?

Cute Goddaughter Blogging

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

I’m not a mother, yet, or an aunt, but I am finally a godmother (as of Dec. 2010)! Last Thursday I decided at the last minute to take a trip down to South Florida to see my goddaughter (and cousin), Abi (short for Abigail). Here we are after a lovely, filling meal at Buca di Beppo for my grandmother’s 81st birthday:

She is a riot! I absolutely love spending time with her.