Taking a “Potter” Break

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Not to be confused with a “potty break” though hopefully it will be just as brief. I have been trying to keep up with posting while reading book 7 of the Harry Potter series, but I think it will be better and easier if I just finish the silly book first – especially since I am having to stay on track with my sister who frequently calls with questions (I re-read book 6 recently, which she hasn’t looked at in almost 2 years). I am almost halfway through the book so it shouldn’t take long.

My Uncle’s Response to Dr. Death

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I passed on the information about Jack Kevorkian speaking at U. of F to my uncle who also graduated from there and this was his response – first to Accent, the student run speaker’s bureau that invited him:

My wife and I both graduated from The University of Florida and were married across University Ave within a stone’s throw from campus. We love Gainesville, and are extremely proud to be Gators.

That pride will be severely damaged if you bring Dr. Death to Hogtown. What possible good could come from having Dr. Kevorkian speak? You legitimize all that he stands for by paying him money (big money) to speak and try to influence people.

It’s a sad day for The University of Florida if he truly comes to campus. I implore you to reconsider.

Then to the university President:

Dr. Machen,

My wife and I both graduated from The University of Florida and were married right across the street the weekend after my graduation. We love the traditions of UF, including the academics, the camaraderie of alums older than my grandparents, the atmosphere, Mr. Two-Bits, and certainly the athletics. What a great time to be a Gator. Nobody has ever been a more rabid Gator than this one, living in the heart of Georgia Bulldog country.

From Danny Wuerffel to Steve Spurrier to Lon Kruger to Urban Meyer to Billy Donovan to Reggie Nelson to Al Horford to Corey Brewer to Joakim Noah and on and on, this great institution has always been represented by decency. It’s obvious that when you and Jeremy Foley look for a hire, you bring upstanding individuals to be part of the face of UF, and they in turn usually recruit upstanding athletes.

It is a sad day for the University of Florida when we spit on all of this effort by bringing (and paying) Jack Kevorkian in to speak. This legitimizes all that he stands for, and no disclaimer can erase that fact. I implore you to intervene and keep Dr. Death from giving a black eye to my beloved University of Florida.

Very eloquent, don’t you think? I wonder what kind of response they are getting and if it will have any impact. You can respond in the following ways:

To sign to Schiavo Foundation’s petition “Stop Dr. Death”:

To express your concerns contact:

ACCENT Speech Bureau
300-1 JWRU, Room 306
P.O. Box 118505
Gainesville, FL 32611-8505
Tel: 352-392-1665 ext. 306
Fax: 352-392-8072
Website: http://www.sg.ufl.edu/accent
Email: accent@sg.ufl.edu
Press/Upcoming Show Information: 352-392-1665 ext. 411

J. Bernard Machen
President of University of Florida

It’s Not-So-Great To Be a Florida Gator :-(

ChelseaEuthanasiaLeave a Comment

GatorThe University of Florida is the Alma Mater of both of my parents. I have a few aunts and uncles who graduated from there as well and a cousin currently attending the university. I’m a born and raised Florida Gator with orange & blue running through my veins – esp. during football season. So, it is with a heavy heart that I report that Dr. Jack Kevorkian is scheduled to speak at the University of Florida this October. Not only is he speaking, but he’s getting $50,000 for it. Is it just me, or is there something seriously wrong about having a convicted murderer speak at a state university?

But it appears that the campus’ student-run speakers bureau, Accent, jumped at the chance to nab the euthanasia advocate. According to Kevorkian’s lawyer:

“They were actually the first ones to call…They sent the request almost immediately after he was out (of prison).”

Dr. DeathAnd what is the purpose of having a well known euthanasia and assisted-suicide advocate speak at the university? In an interview with Life Site News, Accent spokesperson, Steven Blank, said:

“We figure that this will be a great way to engage our student body and entertain”

We’re talking about killing sick people (euthanasia) or helping them kill themselves (assisted suicide)! This is hardly an ‘entertaining’ subject nor is it one that should be endorsed on a college campus.

Needless to say, my father was not pleased when I told him about this and let his old school know it:


I’m a 1980 graduate of UF with a degree in telecommunications with my own business in central Missouri. I’ve been told that you’re planning to have convicted murderer Dr. Jack Kevorkian speak.


I have supported UF with financial donations in the past (besides my degree). I will never support the University again if you have this maniac speak for any reason at my alma mater.

Thank you

You, too, can make your feelings known:

To sign to Schiavo Foundation’s petition “Stop Dr. Death”:

To express your concerns contact:

ACCENT Speech Bureau
300-1 JWRU, Room 306
P.O. Box 118505
Gainesville, FL 32611-8505
Tel: 352-392-1665 ext. 306
Fax: 352-392-8072
Website: http://www.sg.ufl.edu/accent
Email: accent@sg.ufl.edu
Press/Upcoming Show Information: 352-392-1665 ext. 411

J. Bernard Machen
President of University of Florida

Are Ethical Human ESCs Only Months Away?

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, ScientistsLeave a Comment

One Japanese genetics researcher seems to think so. Dr. Shinya Yamanaka thinks that it will be possible to make embryonic-like stem cells without embryos a readily available prototype within “six months to a year,” and “Within two to three years we may be able to create a stem cell that is indistinguishable from one taken from an embryo.”

Well, that would appear to solve everyone’s problems now, wouldn’t it?

The potential of Professor Yamanaka’s breakthrough work – in which the skin cells of laboratory mice were genetically manipulated back to their embryonic state – has been hailed as the equivalent of “transforming lead into gold”. If the research develops in the way he hopes, runs the excited logic, the ethical problems that have swirled around embryonic stem-cell research would disappear.

No longer would the field, which experts believe could unlock cures for diseases such as diabetes and Parkinson’s, be hampered by controversy arising from the use of human embryos.

Ah, but these stories wouldn’t be complete without their ridiculous and false claims about embryonic stem cell research. First, Dr. Yamanaka made it very clear that we can’t let the, “optimism over my science hold us back from conducting research on embryonic stem cells while we are waiting for the alternative.” But the ridiculousness came when he urged the scientific community:

“Do not stop stem-cell research with human embryos, because patients will die if you do stop.”

Now, honestly, was that necessary? He can’t possibly believe that research on ESCs has any bearing on whether patients live or die at this stage in the game since they have yet to treat a single human person successfully. In fact scientists are now starting to admit that therapies from this research are still years away!

Now, repeat after me: “THERE IS NO BAN ON ANY CLONING OR EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH IN THE UNITED STATES!!!” In the subsection of the article, How Countries Regulate Stem Cell Research, it says:

Countries that prohibit stem-cell research or allow it only on cells obtained from abroad or those predating the legislation include the US, although California has its own rules allowing SCNT

There is NO ban on any kind of stem cell research in the United States. We don’t even have a ban on human cloning. Researchers throughout this country can, if they so choose, lawfully conduct whatever kind of dehumanizing research their little hearts desire. They just may not be able to get federal funding for it – and THAT’S why everyone thinks we have a ban.

The bottom line of this story, though, is that soon scientists may be able to create the pluripotent stem cells that they desire from human embryos without having to create or destroy a living being in the process. Which would seem to make ESC research obsolete. And that’s a good thing (as Martha would say).

See more on this story at Life Site News

Common Sense from Dr. King

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Commenting on the news of Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick’s legal troubles regarding his involvement in a dogfighting operation, Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., asks, if we can go to great lengths to ensure the humane treatment of dogs, what about humans?

“The appalling cruelty to dogs described in the complaint against Michael Vick immediately reminds me of another kind of cruelty that is not only not punished, but is protected by our authorities,” said Dr. King. “I’m talking about the incredible cruelty suffered by babies who are stabbed, have limb torn from limb, or have their skulls crushed in the womb by abortionists. The pain these children endure is undoubtedly excruciating, yet we close our eyes and look the other way in the name of ‘choice.'”

‘Yes, of course we should ensure humane treatment of animals,” said Dr. King, “but shouldn’t we also humanely treat humans?”

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has a firsthand account of the greusome business of dogfighting from Eric Sakach, an undercover invastigator for the Humane Society – every time I hear stories about this it makes me sick.

Where There’s Life, There’s Hope

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In his column this week, Fr. Frank Pavone relates a story about a pregnant girl who used half of the RU-486 abortion drug before realizing that she wanted to keep her child:

Dr. Matthew Harrison had a visit from a 20-year old woman named Ashley. She was seven weeks pregnant, but she feared for the life of her baby – not because there was anything wrong with the pregnancy, but because, two days earlier, she had taken RU-486 at an abortion mill. Now, she had changed her mind about having the abortion and wanted to see if the baby could be saved!

…Dr. Harrison had not faced such a situation before. Ashley told him that her boyfriend had pushed for the abortion. But after she took the RU-486, Ashley thought to herself, “O My God, what have I done?” She told her mother what had happened, and her mom called a local pregnancy center. The center then referred her to Dr. Harrison.

The doctor…decided to give Ashley a progesterone treatment. With an extra dose of progesterone, he thought, maybe the effects of the counterfeit progesterone could be overcome…This was not, however, without its risks, about which he clearly informed Ashley…Ashley was courageous, and signed the consent form saying, “Whatever happens is in God’s hands – I just pray that my baby will be OK.”

…the pregnancy continued normally. Dr. Daniel L. Holland, who is Dr. Harrison’s partner, delivered a healthy baby girl named Kaylie – a survivor of an attempted RU-486 abortion!

It’s easy to think it’s “too late!” But where there’s life, there’s hope!

Update on Stem Cell Amendment

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Politics, Umbilical Cord BloodLeave a Comment

Well here’s a little thing I found on Life News that I didn’t see before. Apparently yesterday a house committee adopted the cord blood funding amendment that I told you about earlier today. Here is the short story:

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — The House of Representatives adopted an amendment to a fiscal year 2008 budget bill that will promote adult stem cell research. It added an amendment to the Labor, Health and Human Services appropriations bill Tuesday night offered by pro-life Rep. Chris Smith, a New Jersey Republican, and Artur Davis, a pro-abortion Alabama Democrat. The amendment makes it so the federal government fully funds the National Cord Blood Inventory program at $15 million for the fiscal year after giving only partial funding in previous years. The program provides for banking of ethically non-controversial stem cells that are treating people today, unlike embryonic stem cell research. Rep. Dave Obey, a Wisconsin Democrat who heads the House Appropriations Committee, accepted the amendment without a roll call vote, so it will now be included in the bill. The Senate has not yet passed its version of this bill, however the Senate Appropriations Committee Report provides $12 million for cord blood. Pro-life advocates hope that the final enacted bill will fully fund this important program at the House-passed level.

It’s not on their main page, but some other page with short news clips that I found in a Google search – which is why I didn’t see it earlier. I’m happy to hear that our politicians gave some credit to adult stem cell research. Though after listening to the clerk read off some of the numbers in that appropriations bill the less money they could spend the better.

Brownback – Pro-Life and Whole-Life

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This is one of Brownback’s latest YouTube videos from his Pro-Life Whole-Life Tour. It’s very refreshing to see a politician speak so passionately in favor of life. Too often we get quick pro-life talking points from politicians and when have we ever seen them devoting a whole tour to promoting the sanctity of all human life?

According to a recent poll Republicans are having trouble getting anyone excited about the top tier candidates. While they still haven’t fully embraced any other candidates, it could be good news for some of the little guys, like Brownback.

Brownback for President

House Might Debate Funding Ethical Stem Cell Research

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Politics, Umbilical Cord BloodLeave a Comment

Today, as we are speaking actually, the U.S. House of Representatives has taken up the Labor, Health and Human Services appropriations bill. Rep. Chris Smith (R, NJ) and Rep. Artur Davis (D, AL) are supposed to offer an amendment, according to Life News, that would:

bring the funding of the National Cord Blood Inventory program up to its full authorized level of $15 million. Congress has allowed funding before, but has not fully funded the initiative — with the current appropriations bill setting funding at only $4 million.

Debate on the bill is just beginning and I imagine there will be numerous amendments as it is an appropriations bill. I will try to watch as much as I can and let you know how it turns out (it’s on C-Span if you get it).

NARAL Does Not Oppose Giuliani

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Rudy Giuliani

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — One of the top pro-abortion groups in the country [NARAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League] told its membership last week that several of the main Republican presidential contenders couldn’t get its support because they’re pro-life on abortion. Of the leading names, only pro-abortion ex-New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani was not included for criticism.

Obviously NARAL doesn’t seem to think he’s serious about appointing “strict constructionists” either. This should be proof to any pro-lifer still waffling on whether or not it would be acceptable to vote for Giuliani, that it, indeed, is not. Read more on my previous post, Pro-Life Republicans Beware.

ThompsonAnd what about potential candidate Fred Thompson? Much has been said about an LA Times article claiming that he once lobbied for a pro-abortion group, but NARAL’s not buying it:

“Fred Thompson is no better” than the other Republican candidates, according to [NARAL president Nancy] Keenan. “During his seven years in the U.S. Senate, he voted anti-choice 44 times out of 46 choice-related issues. He has called Roe v. Wade ‘bad law’ and received a 100 percent voting record from the National Right to Life Committee.”

Life News also has more on the Thompson/abortion-rights lobbying story here.